Female student sits at desk looking at her laptop screen

Catch-up on O-Week

To help you get off to the best start with your studies, we have recorded key sessions that were held during Semester 2 O-Week at the Perth campus.

If you were unable to attend O-Week, we recommend that you watch the sessions as soon as you can. Set yourself up for a successful semester by:

  1. Viewing your compulsory Faculty Welcome sessions to introduce you to your course and key staff.
  2. Watching the range of Orientation information sessions to help you transition into university study.
  3. Developing your study skills through our online workshops.

Notice that one of the sessions is not live yet? Check back on this webpage soon for the latest uploads!

Semester 2, 2024 Official Welcome Video

To mark the beginning of your journey at Curtin, hear messages from senior University leadership, the Student Guild and a Welcome to Country to introduce you to the Curtin community.

View the Orientation information sessions online

Re-watch the range of information sessions that were run during Semester 2 O-Week at the Perth Campus.

View your Faculty Welcome sessions online

View the range of Faculty Welcome sessions that were run held during O-Week at the Perth campus. If you missed your Course or School Orientation session, get in touch with your Course Coordinator (details can be found on Blackboard or in your unit outline). If you have not received your unit outline, please contact Curtin Connect.

Choose a session to view below.