Student services and amenities fee (SSAF)

The student services and amenities fee (SSAF) supports the provision of a wide range of non-academic services and amenities to all students. It is charged to most students in addition to their tuition fees.

Curtin uses the SSAF revenue to enhance the university experience and expand and improve our services and amenities.

SSAF allocations for current and previous years

2024 SSAF allocation

50% – Curtin Student Guild
24% – Student Life and Community
14% – Sport and Recreation
12% – Curtin Library

Expenditure information for previous years is available upon request by emailing

Student consultation for the 2025 SSAF allocation

Between 1 and 31 July 2024, we consulted with all students to see which of the SSAF expenditure areas were most important to you.

To everyone who responded, thank you for taking a moment to have your say. The valuable feedback you provided will help inform where the SSAF Expenditure Advisory Committee recommends the SSAF revenue will be spent in 2025.

SSAF Schedules

The tables below indicate the amounts payable each year, for students enrolled in coursework and research study periods.

Due dates and incurral dates

The due dates and incurral dates for your SSAF are available on the academic calendar webpage and will be based on the study period in which you are enrolled in.

Calculate your 2024 SSAF

More about the SSAF