Emergencies and after-hours help
Life-threatening emergencies on campus
- Dial 0 000 from any campus phone or 000 from an external or mobile phone (police, fire or ambulance)
- For other emergency assistance, dial 4444 from any campus phone or (08) 9266 4444 from a mobile.
- A nurse is in attendance at the Perth Campus medical centre from 8:00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.
For more information, visit the Triple Zero website.
Non-life-threatening emergencies and general security (Curtin Perth and Curtin Kalgoorlie campuses)
- Call 4444 from an internal Curtin phone.
- Call (08) 9266 4444 from an external or mobile phone
For more information, visit the Safer Community Team’s website.
After-hours medical care
- Doctor Home Visits (WADMS) can visit you at home if you telephone (08) 9321 9133 (this is not a free service).
- The WA Department of Health has contacts for after-hours doctors. International students can also check with their health insurance company for listed services.
- Find other local medical services in the Yellow Pages under medical practitioners or on the Department of Health’s Service Finder.
- HealthDirect provides medical advice 24 hours a day via 1800 022 222. This service can also provide telephone numbers of doctors in your local area.
24/7 crisis support services
Search by postcode to find your local hospital and health care provider
Interstate mental health crisis support
Western Australia (WA)
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
Metro: 1300 555 788
Peel: 1800 676 822
Rural Link: 1800 552 002
Text Telephone: 1800 720 101
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more WA specific helplines and mental health support on the Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission getting help website.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
ACT Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team
1800 629 354 (free call except from mobiles)
or 02 6205 1065
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more ACT specific helplines and mental health support on the ACT Government mental health website.
New South Wales (NSW)
Mental Health Line
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more NSW specific helplines and mental health support on the NSW Government services and programs website.
Northern Territory (NT)
NT Mental Health Line
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more NT specific helplines and mental health support on the NT.GOV.AU website crisis and support helplines website.
Queensland (QLD)
1300 MH CALL
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more QLD specific helplines and mental health support on the Queensland Government help lines, counselling and support groups website.
South Australia (SA)
Mental Health Triage
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more QLD specific helplines and mental health support on the SA.GOV.AU Crisis helplines and support website.
Tasmania (TAS)
Mental Health Services helpline triage
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more TAS specific helplines and mental health support within the Tasmania Government’s mental health system website.
Victoria (VIC)
Psychiatric triage
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find more VIC specific helplines and mental health support within the Victorian Government Department of Health mental health services website.
Looking for more information?
Find additional support through Curtin’s self-help resource webpages.