Governing authority

The Council
Council is the governing body of the University and its powers are set out in the Curtin University Act 1966 (WA).
It has “the management and control of the property and affairs of the University and may do all such acts and things as it may think best calculated to promote the interests of the University”.
The Act provides for a Council comprising of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, members appointed by the Governor on recommendation of the State Minister for Education, co-opted members, an academic staff member elected by the academic staff, a non-academic staff member elected by the non-academic staff, enrolled students elected by students, members who are graduates of the University elected by graduates, and the Chairperson of the Academic Board.
Council Committees
- Academic Board
- Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
- Data and Digital Governance Committee
- Executive Committee
- Finance Committee
- Kalgoorlie Campus Council
- Legislative Committee
- Nominations Committee
- University Council Health and Safety Committee
Academic Board
Academic Board is a committee of Council.
Academic Board forms part of the overall governance framework of the University. The Academic Board is responsible to Council for helping to ensure the academic quality and integrity of the University’s operations as an academic institution. The Academic Board is also assisted in the performance of its responsibilities by a number of sub-committees.
Academic Board Committees
- Academic Board Executive
- Courses Committee
- Global Positioning Committee
- Learning and Student Experience Committee
- Research Committee

Dr Vanessa Guthrie AO