Your results, grades and academic progression
Your final results will be published on the dates set in the academic calendar and will be available via OASIS.
Any results you receive as a Curtin student will appear on your Academic Transcript. To find out how you can get a copy of your Academic Transcript view the official documents page.
If you have a sanction or exclusion placed on your record (e.g. outstanding fees, library fines) you will be unable to access your results, be provided with an Academic Transcript or graduate until you have cleared the sanction or exclusion.
The grades and marks you receive have been assigned based on the University grading system. These grades and your School’s Board of Examiners will determine your academic status.
University grading system
The tables below represent the grading system used at Curtin.
The grades and mark range correspond with the grades that you will see on your Academic eRecord and Academic Transcript. An unofficial Academic Transcript (Academic eRecord) containing past results can be accessed via your My Results tab of eStudent in OASIS.
My eQuals digital documents
Need to provide employers and third parties with certified degrees and transcripts? Access secure digital copies of your academic documents through My eQuals.