Copyright statement

Unless otherwise stated, the material published within the Curtin website is Curtin copyright. Information for students and staff about copyright can be found at Curtin University’s copyright website.

No part of this site may be reproduced, in whole or in part, unless you obtain the written permission of Curtin or the use fits one of the special circumstances listed below. Persons wishing to obtain permission to use material from the site should address their request in the first instance to the Copyright Officer, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845 (telephone +61 8 9266 7494 or email

Special circumstances:

All of these uses must acknowledge Curtin as the source of the material.

Copyright obligations

Curtin staff and students are subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth), and must adhere to the University’s procedures and requirements relating to copyright and moral rights. Staff and students who infringe these requirements will be liable to disciplinary action, and may leave themselves open to prosecution by individual copyright owners.

Specific information about the use of copyright material for teaching, study and research purposes can be found on the University’s Copyright website and Curtin’s Copyright Procedures. Curtin staff and students should also make themselves familiar with the University’s ICT Appropriate Use Policy.

Reporting copyright infringements

If you have reason to believe that a Curtin student or staff member has infringed copyright in the course of his/her activities at the University, you should report the matter to the Copyright Officer, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845. (Telephone +61 8 9266 7494 or email

The Copyright Officer is the University’s Designated Representative to receive notices or notifications from third parties in relation to content transmitted, cached, hosted or referred to on the University’s ICT system.

External parties who believe that material available on the Curtin University network constitutes a breach of their copyright, or breaches an agreed licence or contract, should notify the Copyright Officer by using the Take Down Notice form below.

Persons submitting a Take Down Notice should provide the following information:

An indication of whether you are the owner of the content, or if you are acting on their behalf. Details of all parties must be supplied, including the relationship between them.

Take down notice form

If you believe copyrighted work is available on the Curtin University network in such a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or a breach of an agreed license or contract, please notify us by using the following form.

If you are unable to use the online form, please send full information regarding the alleged infringement, together with your contact details, to:

Copyright Compliance Officer
Curtin Library
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987

If you have a general query or a query related to enrolment, please submit a question to our support team. For detailed information about our courses, please visit our website.