Class registration

Class registration is the process of choosing the classes you would like to attend for your units. Classes can include activities such as lectures, tutorials, workshops or seminars, depending on the structure of your units. You need to register into classes to create your timetable for the study period.
After you have enrolled in units in eStudent, you may also need to register for classes.
Completing your class registration
Curtin’s useful planning tool, Plan Your Timetable allows you to experiment with different combinations of dates and times for classes (e.g. lectures/tutorials) to come up with a timetable that suits your availability. This tool can also be used to view the class times for units both within and outside of your course structure.
Planning a timetable in Plan Your Timetable does not affect your enrolment or class registration. You will still need to go into eStudent to complete your enrolment and class registration.
For study periods commencing in the first half of 2025, Plan Your Timetable will be available from the following dates:
▪ For study periods with class registration opening on 2 December 2024, PYT will be available from 25 November 2024.
▪ For study periods with class registration opening on 8 January 2025 PYT will be available from 16 December 2024.
Before you can register for classes, you must enrol into units with class activities that run on campus.
Only units that you have an internal enrolment for will require you to class register. Fully online studies do not require class registration.
To complete your class registration, follow the steps below:
- Login to OASIS.
- Select the My Studies tab.
- Select the eStudent tile.
- Select the My Classes tab.
- Click the Register button next to each of your enrolled units. The class options for each unit will appear in the timetable grid below. Classes that are not available for selection will be greyed out.
- Hover over your selected class time and click the plus (+) icon. To see all the classes you are required to attend for each unit, click the plus icon (+) next to the unit name. You must register for all activities within a unit.
- Once you have chosen your classes for the selected unit, click the Save button.
- If you wish to change your class selection after saving, click the Change button next to the relevant unit, reselect your class time and click Save.
Once you’ve completed your class registration, generate an Enrolment Advice for a record of your enrolled units and chosen classes, including their dates, times and location.
Class registration for study periods commencing in the first half of 2025 will open over 2 days:
2 December 2024 and 8 January 2025, at 9 am (AWST).
The date class registration will become available for each study period is outlined below:
2 December 2024
▪ Block Session 1
▪ Block Session 2
▪ Block Session 3
▪ Block Session 4
▪ Block Session 5 (Perth City Campus)
▪ Extended Delivery Period 1A
▪ Extended Term 1
▪ Extended Term 1A
▪ Intensive Study Period 1
▪ Medical School Year 4
▪ Medical School Year 5
▪ Trimester 1
▪ Uni Term 1
▪ Year Long
8 January 2025
▪ Block Session 5 (Perth Bentley Campus)
▪ Extended Delivery Period 1
▪ Extended Year 1
▪ Full Year Honours
▪ Intensive Study Period 3
▪ Medical School Year 2
▪ Medical School Year 3
▪ Semester 1
▪ Special Study Period 1
▪ Special Study Period 2
▪ Study Block 2
▪ Trimester 2
Class registration for study periods commencing in the second half of 2025 will open mid-2025. You will be notified of the specific date via email closer to the date.
In preparation for the opening of class registration, the My Classes tab will be temporarily removed from eStudent intermittently in November and December 2024.
Class streams, block teaching and reserved classes
Class streams connect a set of activities (lectures, workshops, tutorials, etc.) across a single unit to allow the same group of students to work collaboratively for the duration of their unit enrolment.
When registering for classes, click on the checkbox for the preferred stream and save the registration. This then registers you for all streamed activities for the unit; there is no need to register for each activity individually. However, sometimes not all activities are part of the stream (e.g. a lecture and tutorial may be streamed, but you need to register for the workshop separately).
Streams are available for select units. You’ll see the option to choose one if streaming is enabled for that unit.
You can view all associated classes by hovering your cursor over the chosen stream. To register for a stream, check a single numbered box above your chosen set of activities.
If a stream is available for any of your enrolled units, we recommend completing the registration for the streamed units first before selecting individual classes for your other non-stream units. This simplifies your timetable selection process and reduces opportunities for clashing activities.
Rather than deliver unit content each week across a study period, block teaching condenses classes into a short, intense-format timeframe. For example, in block teaching, you may have classes every day over a two-week period instead of one class each week.
You still need to register for all classes in a unit (there could be morning and afternoon sessions on the same day) that utilise block teaching. While it may seem like you need to attend these classes throughout the study period, this isn’t the case. Refer to your Enrolment Advice for specific unit dates and find your comprehensive timetable on the second page of the document.
Some units are organised so that specific cohorts of students are able to register in a particular class. Reserved classes are used to offer an interprofessional experience, where students from different courses or backgrounds are given the opportunity to learn together, or to ensure that the class teaching caters to students from the same course.
Plan Your Timetable will show all classes that are offered in a unit but may not always specify if some of these classes have been reserved for a particular group of students.
If a unit you are enrolled into utilises reserved classes, you may find that you will not be able to register for some classes. This may mean that you are allocated to a class of students that are not your usual cohort. This will allow you to meet and mix with a different group of students which will add to the overall learning and engagement experience.
More about class registration
The class types you may attend will depend on which units you are enrolled in. The main class types delivered at Curtin are:
- Lectures are presentations given by a subject matter expert, on a specific subject area within the unit you are studying. Lectures typically run from 50 minutes to 3 hours. Curtin's lectures are often recorded and published on Blackboard. This allows students the freedom to watch their lectures when most convenient. Lectures could be offsite, live-streamed, pre-recorded, or delivered face-to-face only. Please check with your Unit Coordinator for confirmation, or refer to the unit outlines.
- Tutorials are small discussion groups led by a tutor. Each unit will usually have 1 tutorial per week. Tutorials involve a number of tasks and activities to help students develop their understanding of the content covered in the previous lecture. Tutorials are designed to be interactive, providing the perfect opportunity for students to ask questions and participate in group discussions.
- Laboratory or Clinical Practice classes have a more ‘hands-on’ approach, with a focus on the application and practice of learnt skills in a laboratory or clinic environment.
- Seminars are small to medium-sized group meetings between students and a lecturer or tutor for 1-3 hours. Seminars contain elements of a lecture and tutorial. That being, a seminar can involve a presentation by your tutor/lecturer, but will also include interactive tasks and group discussions.
- Studio classes are usually required for art and design units. Similar to workshops, these are hands-on sessions where you will learn practical methods and processes specific to the set project
- Offsite activities is a scheduled activity undertaken off campus (for example fieldwork).
- Workshops focus on active learning approaches often undertaken by a large group of students subdivided into smaller groups. Like laboratory classes, workshop classes have a practical, hands-on approach to learning.
For further details on the classes required for your units, please refer to the unit outlines.
Please try the options below to resolve your timetable clash:
- Ensure that you are enrolled correctly by following the course structure on the Courses Handbook. If not, it is recommended to amend your enrolment to align with the advised course structure.
- Check that there are no alternative times available for the clashing units.
- If one of the clashing units is an optional/elective unit, you may need to choose an alternative optional/elective unit.
- If an online option for the unit is available and you are not bound by enrolment conditions (e.g. student visa enrolment conditions), you can choose to study the unit online.
- If your clash is between a lecture and another activity, you can choose to leave the lecture unregistered and watch the lecture recordings online via iLecture.
- If your clash is between two core units, you may wish to select another unit that is available to you on your study plan.
If you are unable to resolve the clash, please contact Curtin Connect.
You may be unable to register for a class due to the following reasons:
- You enrolled in fully online units or enrolled through Open Universities Australia (OUA). You do not have to register for online classes.
- Class registration is not open for the study period you are trying to register for. Monitor your academic email address (also referred to as your Curtin student email address) for the class registration open date.
- You are not enrolled in the unit or enrolled in a different study period. You can check your current enrolment under the 'My Enrolment' tab in eStudent.
- Your desired class choice is clashing with a class you have already registered for. You may need to swap classes.
- You have selected the wrong calendar filter under 'My Classes' tab. Please select the correct semesters in the filter and click 'Refresh'.
If you are still experiencing difficulties with class registration, please contact Curtin Connect for further assistance.
No, you are not required to class register and create a class timetable if you are enrolled into the Fully Online attendance mode of a unit.
You can view the attendance mode of your currently enrolled units under the My Enrolment tab in eStudent.
If you are studying through Open Universities Australia (OUA), you are also not required to complete class registration as your studies will be undertaken online.
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