Health Sciences Curtin Extra programs

Many of the co-curricular opportunities available to Faculty of Health Sciences students can contribute to your personal and professional development, while also leading to Curtin Extra recognition.
The CERIPH Volunteering in Health Promotion program (Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health) provides opportunities for Curtin undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop research skills within health promotion and public health. Students undertake a range of practical tasks
supporting applied and community facing research projects.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: visit CERIPH or email
Dr YES (Youth Education Sessions) is a program run by the Australian Medical Association (WA) for medical students delivering harm minimisation sessions to high school students in metropolitan and rural schools. The Dr YES volunteers have open and engaging conversations with high school students about the issues
young people face surrounding alcohol and drugs, mental health and sexual health.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: visit Dr YES or email
Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program (CSMP) provides peer-to-peer mentoring to help students on the Autism Spectrum and related conditions to navigate tertiary study more successfully. Mentoring support focuses on improving the quality of the learning experience, retention, academic success, wellbeing and employability.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: visit Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program or email
Go Global Health Sciences is an inter-professional service-learning program that provides learning opportunities for students with the aim to contribute to sustainable health services for our international host communities. Students learn about different healthcare systems; develop cultural awareness and competency.
Participants practice leadership and discipline specific skills in these settings.
Stream: Global Citizenship
For more information: visit Go Global Health Science or email
*Please note this program is currently on hold due to ongoing travel restrictions.
These short-term mobility programs in global locations beyond Australia give students an international experience and develop their intercultural competencies. The program provides participants with a global perspective and cultural appreciation of international destinations.
Students complete a post program survey and a reflection to demonstrate how their placement has impacted them and added to their learning.
Stream: Global Citizenship
For more information: email
This program enables Health Sciences undergraduate and Graduate Entry Masters student volunteers to get involved in meaningful research projects being undertaken by staff and higher degree students from the Faculty of Health Sciences. As well as enhancing work-readiness skills, this experience can assist the decision-making of students who are contemplating honours or higher degree by research studies.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email
The Health Sciences Student Consultative Committee provides an opportunity for students to become ‘student voice’ representatives for their cohort. Responsible for consulting with their peers on how their learning experiences are going, students are able to represent their peers’ views and actively contribute to the Faculty of Health Science’s development.
Stream: Social Impact
For more information: email
Health Sciences Student Engagement volunteers inspire prospective students, educate members of the public and support new-to-Curtin students through their active participation in Health Science events such as Curtin Open Day, high school and community visits, and Orientation Days. Volunteers are required to
speak about their personal decision to study a health sciences degree at Curtin, their experiences with developing effective study habits, and recommendations for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities whilst studying at Curtin.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email
Talk to Me provides participants with the opportunity to develop resilience, increase knowledge and awareness of mental health issues, and actively engage in volunteering opportunities at related events on Bentley campus to share their knowledge and skills with others. Participants will have access to a massive
online open course (MOOC), based on content from World Health Organisation German National Suicide program.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email
This pilot initiative has been designed by the School of Allied Health to develop social networks and effective communication skills for new international students in the Graduate Entry Masters courses in Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. The aims of the program are to provide a cultural, social and geographical orientation as they adjust to the learning environment at Curtin. Mentors from the same discipline provide insider knowledge and experience as a form of peer learning.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email
The Volunteering in Nutrition and Dietetics program provides opportunities for Curtin undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop skills and experience within nutrition and dietetics. Students undertake a range of practical tasks supporting applied and community-facing nutrition and dietetics programs and organisations.
Stream: Professional Development
For more information: email