
Hinduism is a major and ancient world religion which began in South Asia and comprises of many systems of philosophy, belief, and ritual. Developed from Vedic religion, this religion is the main religion in India and many other Asian countries.
Dr Sadhana Bose and HG Muralidhara Dasa
HG Muralidhara Dasa and Dr Sadhana Bose are Perth-based chaplains. Dedicated to supporting local and domestic students, both chaplains offer a range of spiritual well-being activities on campus, in collaboration with Curtin Hindu Club. Their chaplaincy covers a wide range of Sanatan philosophy, including a weekly Bhagavad Gita class on campus. HG Muralidhara Dasa represents the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and works closely with Hindu Council of Australia (HCA). Dr Bose is a founding academic of Curtin Medical School and continues to teach at the school.
Shashi Holla
Trained Hindu Chaplain available to support all online and rural students. He lives and works in the small rural town of Lake Grace so understands the unique challenges of life from a culturally diverse background in rural Western Australia.
To get in touch with these chaplains please contact multifaith@curtin.edu.au.