Draft Policy

Draft policies and procedures are provided for comment and should not be considered as approved University policies and procedures or relied upon in any way.

Please provide your feedback to the designated contact point.

Document title Contact Closing date for comments
Course Quality and Assurance Manual - DRAFT Australian Tertiary Admission Rank Governance Procedures (PC3) 5pm AWST Friday 26th July 2024
Course Quality and Assurance Manual - DRAFT Language of Instruction Procedures (PC11) 5pm AWST Friday 26th July 2024
Course Quality and Assurance Manual - DRAFT Peer Review of Educational Practice Procedures (PC15) 5pm AWST Friday 26th July 2024
Course Quality and Assurance Manual - DRAFT Unit Outlines Procedures (PC19) 5pm AWST Friday 26th July 2024
DRAFT Appointment of Patrons Policy 5pm AWST Wednesday 7th August 2024
DRAFT Appointment of Patrons Procedures 5pm AWST Wednesday 7th August 2024
DRAFT Appointment of Ambassadors Procedures 5pm AWST Friday 2nd August 2024
DRAFT Admissions and Enrolment Manual (Coursework Students) 5pm AWST Thursday 8th August 2024
DRAFT Awards and Graduation Manual 5pm AWST Thursday 8th August 2024
DRAFT Credit for Recognised Learning Policy 5pm AWST Thursday 8th August 2024
DRAFT Credit for Recognised Learning Procedures 5pm AWST Thursday 8th August 2024

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