Meet the team

Nicola is a statistician by training, and is interested in the development of statistical methodology and the application of statistics to problems in genetics, genomics and biomedical research. Her research to date has focused on (epi)genomic analysis of data for cancer and healthy ageing and dementia, including biomarker studies, GWAS and other genome-wide assays.

Roger has a keen interest in effective optimisation techniques for open pit mine scheduling problems; modelling of granular material flows; discrete optimisation; teaching and learning.

Senior Lecturer
Sourav is a Senior Lecturer in statistics and data science with varied and interdisciplinary interests in applied and methodological statistics. His research expertise is in methodology and applications of statistical analysis of time series and spatial processes. He investigates natural events that evolve over space and time.

Senior Lecturer
Mark is a Fellow of the Actuaries Institute of Australia and a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. He is employed as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Curtin University and has been a Board Member of the AFIR-ERM Section of the International Actuarial Association since 2017, most recently as Treasurer.

Casey is passionate about teaching applied data-driven research, and R programming, and over his career has worked in various fields such as petroleum mining and sports analytics from which he has co-authored several publications and conference papers. Through his teaching he strives to impart relevant practical and theoretical knowledge in an open and friendly environment. His research interests include predictive analytics, sports analysis, machine learning, and Markov Models and their applications.

Senior Lecturer
Heather is the Director, Learning and Teaching, in the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences. She is also a teaching academic in the discipline of Mathematics and Statistics, teaching a range of mathematics units and investigating diverse assessment and teaching practices.

Shuang is passionate about multi-disciplinary research collaboration and international articulation programs. Her research interests include stochastic processes and their applications to engineering and science. As a lecturer, Shuang teaches foundation mathematics, actuarial science, industrial optimisation, and data science.

Scott uses variational analysis and computational tools to study problems in nonlinear optimisation from a geometric standpoint. He is an expert in splitting methods with applications in machine learning, data science, and inverse problems (i.e. signal recovery).

Senior Lecturer
Ian is a fulltime academic and also the Undergraduate Course Coordinator within the discipline of Mathematics & Statistics.

Senior Lecturer
Elham’s expertise is in the use of mathematical and quantitative methods for optimising complex systems and processes. Her research focuses on intelligent decision-making tools for predicting system behaviour and improving performance.

Associate Professor
Jo-Anne is Program Director of Actuarial Studies bringing over 20 years of global business experience to the actuarial program.
She is a fully qualified actuary who applies her strong analytical and modelling capabilities to a variety of projects and has provided evidence-based insights to a range of business decisions. She leverages her wide-ranging experience in educating the next generation of Actuaries.

Senior Lecturer
Suman’s core focus of research is to develop experimental designs for agricultural field trials and analysis of the trial data using advanced statistical techniques such as linear mixed model, factor analytic model, and spatial variogram modelling.

Dr Wang moved to Australia from Ireland in 1992 to take up a position joint by the School of Mathematics and School of Engineering, University of New South Wales.

Associate Professor
Dr Wiwatanapataphee’s research expertise is in Computational Mathematics and its application to science, engineering, and finance. She has strong research experience in computational science applications where computing plays a central and essential role.

John Curtin Distinguished Professor
Professor Wu is a leading researcher in the field of applied and computational mathematics and is an internationally well-recognized applied mathematician. His recent research also includes mathematical applications in industrial optimisation and financial engineering.

Associate Professor
A/Professor Honglei Xu is an experienced leader in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, with a focus on systems, optimisation, and control with industrial applications.