Our people
Name | Title |
Martin Van Kranendonk | Head of School |
Katarina Miljkovic | Deputy Head of School |
Katy Evans | Director, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging |
Chris Clark | Director, Global |
Ahmed El-Mowafy | Director, Graduate Research |
Domenik Wolff-Boenisch | Director, Learning and Teaching |
Renae Sayers | Director, Strategic Initiatives |
Ashraf Dewan | Research Advocate |
Joshua Lim | School Business Manager |
Name | Title |
Brett Harris (Geophysics) | Professor |
Fred Jourdan (Geology) | Professor |
Kliti Grice (Climate, Oceans & BioGeosciences) | John Curtin Distinguished Professor |
Petra Helmholz (Spatial Sciences) | Associate Professor |
Robert Howie (Planetary Sciences) | Dr |
Name | Title |
Mehrooz Aspandiar | Bachelor of Applied Geology |
Dave Belton | Bachelor of Mine and Engineering Surveying |
Nick Timms | Bachelor of Science (Earth and Planetary Sciences) (Honours) |
Milo Barham | Bachelor of Science (Earth Sciences) and Bachelor of Advanced Science (Earth Sciences) (Honours) |
Sten Claessens | Bachelor of Surveying (Honours) |
Gretchen Benedix | Graduate Certificate in Space Environment |
Todd Robinson | Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Geospatial Intelligence |
Ian Fitzsimons | Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Mineral Exploration Geoscience |
Chris Kirkland | Master of Geoscience (Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology) |
Name | Title |
Zheng-Xiang Li | Australia-China Joint Research Centre for Tectonics and Earth Resources |
Boris Gurevich | Centre for Exploration Geophysics |
Christine Erbe | Centre for Marine Science and Technology |
Chris Kirkland | Curtin Frontier Institute for Geoscience Solutions |
David Antoine | Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group |
Nick Timms | Space and Science Technology Centre |
Chris Kirkland | Timescales of Mineral Systems Group, Centre of Exploration Targeting – Curtin Node |
Kliti Grice | WA Organic Isotope Geochemistry Centre |
Name | Title |
Aaron Cavosie | Senior Lecturer | Mineralogy, Meteoritics |
Ahmed El-Mowafy | Professor | Satellite positioning, Engineering Surveying |
Alan Scarlett | Research Associate | Biogeochemistry, Analytical Geochemistry |
Alex Holman | Research Fellow | Analytical Geochemistry |
Alexander Gavrilov | Associate Professor | Marine acoustics, Oceanography |
Alexander Nemchin | Professor | Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry |
Alison Blyth | Senior Lecturer | Paleoenvironments, Isotope Ecology |
Amir Allahvirdizadeh | Lecturer | Satellite positioning, Geodesy |
Amy Elson | Research Associate | Organic Geochemistry |
Andreas Zametzer | Research Associate | Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry |
Anuradha Patel | Research Associate | |
Ashraf Dewan | Associate Professor | Environmental Geoinformatics, Climate Change |
Ben Knight | Research Fellow | Computational Geodynamics |
Bettina Schaefer | Research Associate | Organic Geochemistry |
Boris Gurevich | John Curtin Distinguished Professor | Rock Physics |
Bree Morgan | Lecturer | Environmental Geochemist |
Brett Harris | Professor | Exploration Geophysics, Hydrogeology |
Bruno Vieira Ribeiro | Lecturer | Geochronology, Petrology |
Chandanlal Parida | Research Fellow | Biological Oceanography |
Chong Wei | Research Associate | Marine geophysics, Bioacoustics |
Chris Clark | Professor | Metamorphic Petrology, Geochronology |
Chris Kirkland | Professor | Geochronology, Analytical Geochemistry |
Christine Erbe | John Curtin Distinguished Professor | Marine Acoustics, Bioacoustics |
Christopher Taylor | Research Associate | Paleoecology |
Chutian Shu | Research Associate | |
Cristina Tollefsen | Research Fellow | Underwater Acoustics, Physical Oceanography |
Daniel Wilkes | Research Fellow | Underwater Acoustics |
Dave Belton | Senior Lecturer | Laser scanning, Photogrammetry |
David Antoine | Professor | Biological oceanography, Remote Sensing |
Denis Fougerouse | Senior Research Fellow | Nanogeoscience, Geochronology |
Dom Wolff-Boenisch | Associate Professor | Aqueous geochemistry, Environmental Geology |
Ellie Sansom | Research Fellow | Meteoritics, Extraterrestrial Geology |
Eriita Jones | Research Fellow | Remote Sensing, Planetary Science |
Evgeny Sidenko | Research Associate | Marine Geophysics |
Fred Jourdan | Professor | Geochronology, Igneous Geochemistry |
Gretchen Benedix | Professor | Meteoritics |
Hadrien Devillepoix | Research Associate | Astrophysics, Meteoritics |
Hassan Elsayed | Associate Lecturer | |
Hoang Nguyen | Research Fellow | Exploration Geophysics |
Hugo Olierook | Senior Research Fellow | Geochronology, Exploration Geochemistry |
Iain Parnum | Senior Research Fellow | Marine acoustics, Marine Geophysics |
Ian Fitzsimons | Professor | Metamorphic Petrology, Tectonics |
Ivana Ivanova | Senior Lecturer | Spatial Data Quality, Geoinformatics |
Janne Liebmann | Lecturer | Stable Isotopes, Geochronology |
Katarina Miljkovic | Professor | Extraterrestrial Geophysics, Extraterrestrial Geology |
Katelyn Boase | Research Associate | Geomicrobiology |
Katy Evans | Professor | Metamorphic Petrology, Ore Deposits |
Kliti Grice | John Curtin Distinguished Professor | Organic Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes |
Konstantin Tertyshnikov | Senior Lecturer | Seismology |
Lewis Trotter | Research Associate | Geographic Information Systems |
Luc Doucet | Senior Research Fellow | Igneous petrology, High-T Geochemistry |
Lucy Forman-Amel | Lecturer | Extraterrestrial Geology, Meteoritics |
Marco Coolen | Associate Professor | Geomicrobiology. BioGeochemistry |
Marina Seraine Fernandes de Souza | Research Associate | Precambrian Geology, Tectonics |
Martin Towner | Research Fellow | Extraterrestrial Geology, Meteoritics |
Mehrooz Aspandiar | Senior Lecturer | Exploration Geochemistry, Paleopedology |
Michael Hartnady | Research Associate | Geochronology, Tectonics |
Mick Filmer | Senior Lecturer | Geodesy, Remote Sensing |
Milo Barham | Associate Professor | Sedimentology, Provenance |
Nick Timms | Associate Professor | Mineralogy, Structural Geology |
Olivia Collet | Research Fellow | Exploration Geophysics |
Paul Greenwood | Senior Research Fellow | Analytical Geochemistry |
Paul Nguyen Hong Duc | Research Associate | Underwater Acoustics |
Pavel Shashkin | Research Fellow | Seismology |
Petra Helmholz | Associate Professor | Photogrammetry, Geomatics |
Phil Bland | John Curtin Distinguished Professor | Planetary Science |
Richard Palmer | Research Associate | Computer Science, Photogrammetry |
Robert Howie | Research Fellow | Space systems, Planetary Science |
Roman Isaenkov | Research Associate | Exploration Seismology, Marine Geophysics |
Roman Pevzner | Professor | Exploration Seismology |
Sten Claessens | Senior Lecturer | Geodesy, Gravimetry |
Stéphanie Vialle | Senior Research Fellow | Experimental Geophysics, Rock physics |
Stephen Poropat | Research Associate | Paleontology |
Steve Reddy | Professor | NanoGeoScience, Structural Geology |
Taryn Scharf | Research Associate | Computational Geoscience |
Tim Johnson | Professor | Petrology, Early Earth |
Todd Robinson | Associate Professor | Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing |
Uwe Kirscher | Research Fellow | Paleomagnetism |
Yebo Liu | Research Fellow | Paleomagnetism, PaleoGeography |
Name | Title |
Lesley Arnold | Adjunct Associate Professor | Governmental Geospatial Information Policy and Practice |
Andrew Squelch | Adjunct Senior Lecturer | Computational image analysis |
Andy Wilson | Adjunct Research Fellow | Sedimentology, Stratigraphy |
Anthony Lagain | Adjunct Research Fellow | Planetary science |
Bennett Tunbridge | Adjunct Associate Lecturer | Surveying |
Bill Collins | Adjunct Professor | Geodynamics, Petrology |
Bob Pidgeon | Adjunct Professor | Geochronology, Isotope geochemistry |
Brain Tattitch | Adjunct Research Fellow | Experimental petrology, Economic geology |
Brian Luinstra | Adjunct Research Fellow | Hydrogeology |
Capri Beck | Adjunct Research Fellow | Bioacoustics |
Charlotte Mack | Adjunct Research Associate | Paleontology, Biostratigraphy |
Chris Elders | Emeritus Professor | Basin evolution, Structural geology |
Claire Charlton | Adjunct Research Fellow | Marine biology, Conservation |
Clem Kuek | Adjunct Research Fellow | Applied microbiology, Biotechnology |
Craig Maloney | Adjunct Associate Lecturer | Surveying |
Darryl McMahon | Adjunct Research Fellow | Acoustics |
Derek Lichti | Adjunct Professor | Photogrammetry |
Emily Peterman | Adjunct Research Fellow | Nanogeoscience, Metamorphic petrology |
Gareth Baynam | Adjunct Associate Professor | Clinical genetics, Photogrammetry |
Geoff Robb | Adjunct Associate Lecturer | Surveying |
Geoff West | Emeritus Professor | Photogrammetry, Spatial analysis |
Gregory Smith | Adjunct Professor | Sedimentary geology, Organic petrology |
Hamed Gamaleldien | Adjunct Research Fellow | Geochemistry, Geodynamics |
Hugh Smithies | Adjunct Research Fellow | Geochemistry |
Jason Bennett | Adjunct Research Fellow | Mineralogy, Ore deposits |
Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia | Adjunct Associate Professor | Geographic Information Systems |
John Penrose | Emeritus Professor | Marine acoustics, Sonar |
John Simmonds | Adjunct Senior Research Fellow | Mineral exploration |
Jon Kirby | Adjunct Associate Professor | Isostasy, Geodesy |
Joseph Awange | Adjunct Professor | Environmental Geoinformatics, Mathematical Geosciences |
Justy Siwabessy | Adjunct Research Fellow | Marine acoustics, Biodiversity |
Lesley Arnold | Adjunct Associate Professor | Geoinformatics |
Lorenz Schwark | Adjunct Professor | Petroleum geochemistry, Paleoenvironments |
Lynne Milne | Adjunct Research Fellow | Palynology, Botany |
Max Dröllner | Adjunct Research Associate | Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry, Sedimentology |
Maxim Lebedev | Adjunct Professor | Experimental rock physics |
Mervyn Lynch | Emeritus Professor | Environment, Remote sensing |
Michael Brown | Adjunct Professor | Metamorphic geology |
Michael Carson | Adjunct Research Fellow | Exploration Geophysics |
Michael Kuhn | Adjunct Associate Professor | Geodesy, Gravity |
Milovan Urosevic | Emeritus Professor | Seismic exploration |
Pat Rich | Adjunct Professor | Paleontology |
Paul Baker | Adjunct Research Associate | Engineering geology |
Paul Johnston | Adjunct Research Fellow | Geodesy |
Pete Kinny | John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor | Geochronology, Isotope geochemistry |
Peter Teunissen | Adjunct Professor | Geodesy, GNSS |
Robert Seggie | Adjunct Professor | Sedimentolgy, Stratigraphy, Petroleum geology |
Simon Wilde | John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor | Geochronology, Tectonics |
Teresa Bednarek | Adjunct Research Associate | Marine biology |
Thi Hoa Pham | Adjunct Research Fellow | Geoinformatics, Environment |
Tim Dean | Adjunct Research Fellow | Exploration geophysics |
Timmons Erickson | Adjunct Research Fellow | Mineralogy, Microsctructrue |
Tommaso Tachetto | Adjunct Research Associate | NanoGeoScience |
Trudi Kennedy | Adjunct Research Fellow | Planetary science, Astronomy |
Vassili Mikhaltsevitch | Adjunct Senior Research Fellow | Rock physics |
Volodymyr, Puzyrev | Adjunct Research Fellow | Numerical modelling, Artifical intelligence |
Zheng-Xiang Li | John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor | Geomagnetism, Tectonics |
Name | Title |
Angel Amaro | Technical Officer |
Annette Labrooy | Administrative Officer |
Caroline Rockliff | Administrative Officer |
Chelsea Tay | Research Assistant |
Deborah Fukuyama | Teaching Support Coordinator |
Fergus Downey | Research Assistant |
Jacob Cook | Research Assistant |
Josh Beardmore | Senior Research Officer |
Joshua Lim | School Business Manager |
Julie Lister | Research & Finance Coordinator |
Li Ling Loke | Support Officer, Teaching & Learning |
Lisa Smith | Project Officer |
Malcolm Perry | Senior Research Technician |
Murray Hehir | Technician |
Peter Hopper | Senior Technical Officer |
Renae Sayers | Program Manager |
Stuart Buchan | Embedded Software Engineer |
Tim Burrell | Senior Research Officer |
Tristan Ward | Embedded Software Engineer |