Learning and teaching
The Health Sciences Office of Learning and Teaching promotes and supports continuous improvement in learning and teaching in the faculty, leads the implementation of relevant University and faculty strategic initiatives, manages faculty learning and teaching support structures, liaises between central and faculty learning and teaching bodies, and represents the faculty at relevant University forums.

Academic integrity
The Faculty of Health Sciences endorses and upholds Curtin’s five core values of integrity, respect, courage, excellence, and impact, across all aspects of learning and teaching. These values are essential to the foundation and ongoing viability of our academic community. Academic integrity, acting with honesty, trust and fairness, while adhering to moral and ethical principles, is promoted across all aspects of study.
While most students adhere to and support the University’s values, the Student Charter and the Code of Conduct, incidents of academic misconduct are known to occur from time to time. These incidents are reported through the Dixon misconduct system before being dealt with by the Health Sciences’ Student Discipline Panel.
Course management
When academics are preparing a new teaching development or modifying an existing course or unit, there are a number of processes to follow and various items of documentation requiring completion. The Course Administration Team can be contacted for faculty-specific advice, and deadlines for submission of documentation, on 08 9266 3021.