This vital program enables Curtin University midwifery students to experience continuity of care with an individual woman through pregnancy, labour and birth and the postnatal period.
About the program
As a participant in the Continuity of Care Experience, you will be allocated a midwifery student for the duration of your pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period. Your student will attend at least 4 antenatal appointments, will aim to be there for your labour and birth and will attend at least 2 postnatal appointments, all with the supervising midwife.
Your midwifery student will become a familiar face and will provide support throughout your childbirth journey, with the supervising midwife.
In doing this you provide an invaluable learning experience which is practical and relevant and forms part of the assessment towards their midwifery qualification. This is a rewarding experience for both parents and midwifery students and comes highly recommended from past participants.
When can I join the program?
You can join the program if you are less than 35 weeks pregnant. The earlier you join, the longer you and the student have to establish a relationship.
Things to consider
Are you:
- less than 35 weeks pregnant?
- interested in getting to know a midwifery student?
- keen to contribute to their education?
- willing to share your experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting?
What is expected of me?
Very simply, the student is asking that you share your childbearing experiences with them. It is useful for the student to attend pregnancy appointments, education classes and the labour and birth. It would also be expected that the student visit you with the midwife during the early parenting period, up to 4-6 weeks after your baby is born.
What is the student’s role if they support me during my planned birth?
In the program students can support women and their partners during labour and birth according to the maternity settings birth support policy. Midwifery students always work under the supervision of the midwife.
What if I change my mind?
You are able to withdraw from the Continuity of Care experience at any time during your childbirth experience.
To register your interest, simply complete the Online form. If you require further information before registering please email