Meet the team

Ahmed Abu-Siada


Ahmed holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Curtin University, with research interests spanning Power Systems, Renewable Energy, Asset Management, and Fault Diagnosis. He has supervised over 40 completed HDR theses and authored 300+ journal articles and conference papers in these research areas.

Ahmed also holds multiple patents in condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, and building-integrated photovoltaic thermal panels. He has delivered several keynote speeches at various IEEE and international conferences, served as General Chair for the IEEE iSPEC 2022 and CMD 2018, and is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of two international journals.

Dr Himanshu Himanshu


Himanshu is an avid researcher in multidisciplinary research domains including networking, Internet of Things, cybersecurity, AI and machine learning for networking/security with key focus on solving engineering problems having societal impact in collaboration with industry.

photo of Iain Murray
Professor Iain Murray

John Curtin Distinguished Professor

Iain has worked in the field of assistive technology for more than 25 years both as a practitioner and researcher. Currently employed as the Curriculum Lead – Engineering and in the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, his research interest include; learning environments for people with vision impairment, embedded sensors in health applications, the Internet of Things and assistive technology.

Cesar Ortega-Sanchez


Cesar is a Computer Systems Engineer from the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico. He obtained the degree of Master of Science in Digital Systems from Brunel University and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics from the University of York, both in the UK.

Anuradhi Welhenge


Anuradhi is an Early Career researcher in the domains of Biomedical Engineering, Embedded Systems, and Internet of Things. She received her PhD from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and Master of Biomedical Engineering from University of New South Wales, Australia.

Dr Siavash Khaksar


Siavash specialises in embedded systems and digital hardware-software co-design. He currently teaches several embedded system and digital design units at Curtin University having developed lecture materials and designed professional engineering laboratories for these units as well as acting as a faculty advisor for Curtin’s online IoT course offered on edX. Siavash is also the project coordinator and supervisor for undergraduate and postgraduate students at Curtin University.

Nazanin Mohammadi


Senior Lecturer
Dr Kit Yan Chan

Senior Lecturer

Kit Yan Chan is currently a Senior Lecturer in EECMS. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and their applications such as power flow optimization, underwater acoustic communications, load consumption forecasting and medical-kit. He has been working in the AI research fields for more than 20 years. He serves as an editor for several reputed journal, such as International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Sensors, Journal of Engineering Design.

Yue Rong


Professor Yue Rong is an experienced researcher and passionate educator in electrical and electronic engineering. His research interests include signal processing for communications, underwater acoustic communications, underwater optical wireless communications, machine learning, speech recognition, and biomedical engineering.

Dr Nasim Ferdosian


Nasim is a lecturer and researcher specializing in Wireless and Mobile Communication Networks, with experience in both industrial and academic settings. She has contributed to several large-scale international and European Horizon2020-ICT projects during her postdoctoral research studies in various universities and research centres. Her current interdisciplinary research unites two strands of Data Science and cutting-edge Communication Technologies towards autonomic intelligent 6G networks

Senior Lecturer
Dr Nimsiri Abhayasinghe

Senior Lecturer

Nimsiri is an academic with close to 20 years of experience in teaching in Electronic and Embedded Systems. His research interests include human gait analysis, human navigation and localization, IMU based assistive systems and consumer electronics. Nimsiri is an Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering graduate from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and obtained his PhD from Curtin University. He has been in leading academic positions before he joined the School of EECMS.

Dr King-Sun Chan


Dr King-Sun Chan received the PhD in Information Technology from the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is currently a lecturer teaching both undergrad and postgrad units in networking.

His research interest includes router design, routing algorithms, medium access control, quality of service, scheduling, priority support, 5G, and NOMA.

Dr Ehsan Pashajavid


Ehsan is a renewable energy integration specialist. His research mainly focuses on distributed generation integration, electric vehicles, microgrids, and application of power electronics to power systems. He has demonstrated a strong track record of contributing to these fields throughout his career.

Ehsan is a theme lead at CIET and the interim lead of GEEP at Curtin University. He is also actively involved in several ARC and RACE for 2030-funded research projects.

Arindam Ghosh


Arindam obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary, Canada in 1983. He was with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (1985-2006), and the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (2006-2013). He was a Fulbright Scholar and is a Fellow Indian National Academy of Engineering INAE and IEEE. He was conferred IEEE PES Nari Hingorani Custom Power Award in 2019.

Dr Dowon Kim


Dowon has been teaching and researching at Curtin University since 2020. His responsibilities include teaching (power system analysis, protection, reliability, electrical circuits and power electronics), and supervising postgraduate studies and engineering projects. His research interests include digitalised power system, high voltage condition monitoring and protection, and wireless power transfer systems.

Sumedha Rajakaruna


Sumedha is an experienced educator and researcher in electrical power engineering with more than 35 years of experience. He obtained his PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1993 as a Commonwealth Scholar.

His areas of specialisation are renewable energy, power electronics, energy storage and generators. As the founding director of Green Electric Energy Park, a remotely deliverable real-scale hardware laboratory at Bentley, he transformed the student learning in renewable energy not only at Bentley but also at the global campuses of Curtin. He is actively engaged in externally funded national research projects driving energy transition towards net zero.

Dr Yanyan Yin


Yanyan joined Curtin University in 2017 as a Curtin research fellow. She is currently a lecturer and researcher with responsibilities of teaching units in power areas, like power electronics, electrical machine drives & control and industrial automated systems.

Her research interests include high frequency power model analysis, applications of power electronics in renewable energy systems, optimisation and advanced control in industry. She is an IEEE member and has served as sessional chair and technical committee member for many international conferences.