Program to support Early Academic Careers (PEAC)
Since 2019 we have delivered a high-impact Program to support Early Academic Careers (PEAC). The impetus for the 6-month program was in part to demonstrate our commitment as Athena Swan signatories and to respond to feedback from early career academics signalling the need for a targeted program of learning, development and networking to support early academic careers (all genders) including provision of easier access to university information; career support; mentoring; managing competing work priorities; and cross-institutional interaction.
The annual cohorts of 24 early career academics are nominated by their Head of School to participate in the Program with the following learning outcomes: professional strength building; expanding cross disciplinary networks and understanding of institutional support systems; deepening understanding of the higher education landscape; and developing a three-year career plan.
PEAC evaluation surveys indicate explicit and immediate impact including increased understanding of university structures and processes, enhanced professional and interpersonal skills and a stronger sense of career ownership. Measures of success from PEAC include confidence to apply for promotion (and success), teaching awards, research awards, leadership and innovation awards, and taking up new leadership roles.