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How do I get an assessment extension, alternative exam or graduation support due to my faith, religion or holy day?

UPDATED 02 NOV 2023 | 4:05AM
If you have a religious festival, fast or holy day that is obligatory for your faith or religion resulting in you being unable to complete an assessment, exam, placement or graduation, Curtin University has a range of policies in place for alternative arrangements and support.
1. For school based assessments or tests obtain a letter from your religious leader outlining why you are unable to complete the assessment at the required time and submit this as an assessment extension application.
2. If it is an end of semester exam, a fieldwork placement, or graduation ceremony please get a letter of support from your religious leader then book an appointment with the Multi-faith officer so they can make the appropriate arrangements for you. 
Please check out our religious equity page for further information. If you are unable to access a religious leader for your faith community or need further support please contact our Multi-faith officer

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