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Postgraduate health

Seeking a career change through a health masters program? Or looking to upskill or advance your health career? Discover how Curtin’s postgraduate health science courses can help.

Why study health science?

By choosing to study health sciences you’re choosing to pursue a career in the fastest growing industry in Australia – becoming part of a respected community that plays a pivotal role in improving people’s lives.

Whether you’re driven by a passion to help others, advance clinical practices, or contribute to vital research, a career in health gives you a chance to make a real difference in the world.

With a Curtin postgraduate health course, you can…

Change your career

Reskill in a new field with one of our specially designed courses, such as our graduate entry degrees, all aimed at fast-tracking your switch to a new career.

Advance your career

Upskill in a specialty or gain advanced knowledge and leadership skills, empowering you to advance into senior positions.

Study online or part-time

Where possible, we’ve designed our courses so they can be studied online, on campus, part-time or full-time.

Hear from our graduates

A portrait image of the testimonial author

Some of the real benefits I found from doing my degrees at Curtin was how applicable they were to my daily work, and how they prepared me for future roles, both in public health and in medical administration.

The advice I would provide to my younger self would be to seize opportunities as they arise, particularly if they’re outside my comfort zone.

I’m very grateful to Curtin University for preparing me so well to do the job I do today.

Dr Andy Robertson

Chief Health Officer, WA Department of Health
Curtin alumni David Lim

If you want to improve health system processes and patient outcomes, this is definitely the course for you. I enjoyed learning about how different health systems work in different countries from a systems perspective and understanding how different users of the health system interact with each other. I’ve also been provided with networking and work placement opportunities because of Curtin’s strong ties to health organisations.

David Lim

Master of Health Administration
Curtin alumna Elizabeth Connor

I found that my public health knowledge strengthened significantly throughout my studies, particularly in relation to research skills and understandings of public health policy, politics, social determinants and program development, implementation and evaluation. These learnings are currently helping to bring a public health lens to the work I’m doing in the non-government mental health field.

Elizabeth Connor

Master of Public Health
Dr Kumar Deep, Curtin alumni

The course taught me a range of conceptual knowledge and practical skills to support public health action across educational, organisational, socio-economic, environmental and political domains, including in health monitoring, disease prevention and health promotion. I have employed these skills in my role as Regional Manager and Head of Department – Public Health for the WA Country Health Service.

Dr Kumar Deep

Master of Public Health

Subsidised places available

Commonwealth supported places

Save up to 81% on your course fees with our Commonwealth supported place (CSP). We’re offering CSPs across a number of postgraduate health courses for eligible students beginning study in Semester 2 in 2024.

student sitting against colourful background

Health industry snapshot

National skills shortage

There is an acute shortage of Health Professionals, with 83% of these occupations experiencing a shortage nationally.
Jobs and Skills Australia (2023)

An industry in demand

Health Care and Social Assistance is set to be the fastest growing industry in Australia, with a projected employment increase of 25.2% over the next ten years.
Jobs and Skills Australia (2023)

Growth across all occupations

The number of jobs available for Health Professionals is expected to increase by 25.8% by 2033 – almost double the average across all industries.
Jobs and Skills Australia (2023)

Careers in health

Public health careers in Australia

Learn more about the important role public health plays in protecting our communities, the diverse jobs available, and what you can expect to earn.

What does a health data analyst do?

Discover how data analytics drives better decision-making in public health and improves patient care, and contributes to important projects such as cancer research and tracking disease spread.

Nursing student
Graduate entry courses

Switch to a new career in health

Keen to make the change to a more rewarding career, but want to do it in the least amount of time? Gain qualification in a field such as nursing or speech pathology in as little as two years.

View all postgraduate health courses

Female student wearing glasses
Select courses only

Now accepting applications

We are now taking applications for selected postgraduate health courses. Don’t miss out – many of our health courses have different application deadlines, and some close earlier than you might expect.

Get your postgraduate health course guide

Our course guide has everything you need to know about studying postgraduate health at Curtin.

Get your postgraduate health course guide

Our course guide has everything you need to know about studying postgraduate health at Curtin.

Get your postgraduate health course guide

Frequently asked questions

Dr Kim Betts

Dr Marshall Makate

Dr Gemma Crawford

Dr Jonathan Hallett

Dr Judith Daire

Big data and digital health

Public health

Health administration

Government subsidies

Dr Kim Betts

Dr Marshall Makate

Dr Gemma Crawford

Dr Jonathan Hallett

Dr Judith Daire

Big data and digital health

Public health

Health administration

Government subsidies