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What should my child study?

UPDATED 01 DEC 2023 | 4:48AM
Your child may become frustrated or confused when trying to choose which course they would like to study, especially as these decisions need to be made during their demanding final year of high school.
Encourage them to think about what they would enjoy studying, rather than what they think they should be studying. Remind them that they do have more than one chance and they can always change courses or direction at a later stage during their studies. Discuss with your child why they wish to study a particular course and ensure that it is for the right reasons.
Some students need to concentrate on the goal of graduating and entering the workforce to keep them motivated. Others become anxious when they're asked to make decision about their future that they feel unequipped to make. Take the focus off the end result and try to stimulate thought about what they are currently interested in, how they want to challenge themselves and what area of study they find rewarding.

Tips for helping your child decide on a course:

  • Encourage your child to read a lot of university material and talk to as many people as they can.
  • Past and present students are invaluable sources of information, as they can give a personal account of their experience that may be far more useful than that of a brochure or staff member.
  • Read about our course offerings and schedule an appointment with your child's school career counsellor.
  • Visit Curtin and get a feel for the campus and the departments of interest. You can come any time, however Open Week gives you a great opportunity to meet our teaching staff and see exactly what each study area does.
  • Encourage them to think about their interests and career aspirations. A good starting point is to browse the study areas on Curtin's Courses website for ideas. There they'll find some career suggestions and Curtin courses that relate to those careers.

Career Voyage

Curtin University offers Career Voyage, which builds students and future students confidence in their own decision making process. They find careers they love and make decisions based on reliable, well-researched software. Career Voyage takes them to the next stage in their career journey and generates Occupation Interest profiles, 20 job suggestions ranked in order of suitability, detailed job information and qualification requirements. To make an appointment to discuss alternative pathways and course or admission criteria with one of our course advisors, contact the team at Curtin Connect.

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