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What does the last withdrawal via eStudentOUA or academic penalty date mean?

UPDATED 14 DEC 2023 | 1:10AM
The academic penalty date or last withdrawal via eStudent/Open Universities Australia, is the last date you are able to withdraw from units within that study period. If you withdraw from a unit any time between the and the academic penalty date, you are liable for the full fees of the unit/s, however you will not be academically penalised. If you withdraw from a unit during this window, you will have a ‘WD’ for withdrawn recorded against the unit. If you are withdrawn from a unit after the last date to withdraw, you will have a ‘Fail’ recorded against the unit. If you have experienced an adverse and unexpected event that has had a significant impact on your studies and created a need for you to withdraw from a unit after the academic penalty date, you will need to lodge an application for a to withdraw. View the academic calendar on the Curtin website for these dates. Ensure you select the relevant study period for your course when viewing the calendar.  If you still require assistance you can submit an online enquiry with .

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