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Who can be my referee for my course application?

UPDATED 02 OCT 2023 | 7:52AM
Depending on the course requirements, it would be either one academic reference and one professional reference, or two professional references. For further clarification, please visit Curtin's Courses page, search for your course and view it's supplementary information under the Admission Criteria tab.
An academic referee should be someone with whom you have an academic relationship with, and can comment on your academic capacity to undertake postgraduate studies. For example, a thesis supervisor, lecturer or a tutor.
Professional references are required from current (or where this is not applicable – past) employers that detail your leadership/managerial potentials and capacity to undertake postgraduate studies. If you are self-employed or are the CEO yourself, you should provide references from business partners, key customers or respected business individuals. The references will be reviewed as part of the assessment process.

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