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How can I tell the difference between a first, second and third year unit?

UPDATED 27 SEP 2023 | 7:03AM
Your course structure can be viewed on the Curtin Courses Handbook.
You can determine the year level of a unit by looking at the first number in the unit code.
  • Bridging, enabling or foundation course units usually start with a 0 e.g. MATH004
  • Undergraduate courses are made up of units that start with 1,2,3 and 4:
    • First year undergraduate unit: ECON1000
    • Second year undergraduate unit: ACCT2000
    • Third year undergraduate unit: INED3001
    • Fourth year (and honours) undergraduate unit: PHYS4002
  • Postgraduate courses are made up of mostly level 5 and 6 units:
    • First year postgraduate unit: HERI5004
    • Second year postgraduate unit: ELEN6001.

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