Chemical Registers and Manifests
Chemical Register Requirements
Each area is required to maintain a register of all the hazardous substances held. As a minimum, this register must include:
- A list of each substance
- Storage location
- An Australian Compliant Safety Data Sheet
This register must be readily accessible to all personnel who may come in contact with a chemical.
How do I Access the Registers relevant to my area?
Check with your local area manager to see how this information has been made available in your area.
How are the Registers Maintained?
Regular audits and subsequent updating of ChemAlert as per the Chemical Management Plan is required to ensure that registers remain accurate, refer to the ChemAlert section of the Plan.
Emergency Services Requirements
In an emergency hazards need to be clearly identifiable to first responders, therefore all buildings are required to comply with the signage requirements outlined in Curtin Properties’ Project Delivery Guidelines (refer Guidance for the Storage of Chemicals and Guidance for Gas Management and Gas Store Design).
Sites or buildings that are over the Regulated storage quantities will require the necessary placarding. Additionally, sites that are over Regulated manifest quantities will require an Emergency Manifest (including a chemical register) to be made available to emergency services. For details on both placarding and manifest quantities refer to the above Curtin Properties’ Guidelines.