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Student Life

Showing results 290 to 300 of 404

Is this your first semester? Try the new OASIS Planner!

You may have noticed a new tab in OASIS. If this is your first semester at Curtin  you now have…

Are you a new student experiencing issues with accessing Microsoft products?

New students this semester will not automatically have access to tools such as Office 365, including Word and Excel. If…

Save $100 for a 12-month gym membership during O-Week!

If you have been wanting to join the Curtin Stadium gym, don’t miss out on the special O-Week offer. Join…

Student monthly parking sessions available in Semester Two

If you’re a student that comes to campus everyday, you will have the option to start a monthly parking session…

Are you a 2022 graduate?

Celebrate your graduation success with the ultimate item of university apparel – the varsity jacket. If you are about to,…

Curtin Volunteers! opportunities open for registration

Curtin Volunteers! is a student-driven hub offering volunteering and leadership opportunities across Western Australia. From ongoing projects to one-off experiences…

Getting down to zero

Five tips from Curtin students on how they are working towards a zero-waste lifestyle. Did you know that Australians create…

Green heart – strategic mind

The notion of doing ‘’CV-worthy’’ work experience and extracurricular activities during your uni degree can become a constant open tab…

Curtin Volunteers! John Curtin Weekend activities are now open for registration

Hurry, don’t miss out! Make a meaningful impact in a community while having fun and making new friends. John Curtin…

Study abroad in Semester 1 2023 with a range of exciting exchange programs

Going on a semester or year-long exchange is a great way to experience other cultures and add a unique edge…

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