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7 results

Research offers hope and reassurance for adults with eating disorders

New Curtin University research has found an inpatient treatment approach can help adults with eating disorders improve not only their…

Business, innovation and law

Collaborate, ideate, exterminate… Could you be working with a ‘corporate psychopath’?

How would you describe a ‘psychopath’? Books and movies like the chilling American Psycho and Tom Harris’ thriller Silence of…


After the Fires reveals urgent mental health needs of bushfire responders

The final Curtin University-led After the Fires report has highlighted the mental health struggles of first responders in the aftermath…


Stress levels sky high for families of neurodiverse kids

New Curtin University-led research has found caregivers of neurodivergent children are more likely to experience clinically significant levels of stress,…


Mother’s mental health impacts children’s school grades: study

Children of mothers who were hospitalised for psychiatric conditions during their pregnancy or up to one year after birth were…

Psychology & mental health

The positivity program that’s helping Aussie kids help themselves

Aussie Optimism is a series of school-based programs improving the mental health of children and pre-adolescents around Western Australia. Developed…

Psychology & mental health

Music can change the way you taste

The background music you hear at a restaurant or in a shop may not be playing strictly for your entertainment,…