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Student OASIS news

Showing 10 results of 1035

Your Campus, Your Commute, Your Way!

Reading time: 1 minute Get ready to embark on an adventure across campus and online with our exciting new competition…

Participants needed to test new chatbot app!

Reading Time: 1 minute MYLO is a user led, problem-solving chatbot that has been co-designed with young people to support…

Semester one scholarships are now live!

Reading time: 1 min Our scholarships are designed to enhance your academic journey and support you while you study. You…

Like to earn extra money?

Reading time: 1 minute The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is recruiting up to 100,000 temporary jobs to help deliver the…

Register for social sports at Curtin Stadium!

Reading time: 1 min Let’s play and have fun! Curtin Social Sports registration is now open! Why you should join:…

What happens when persistence meets passion?

Reading time: 3 minutes  Ashna’s journey to physiotherapy wasn’t a straight path, detouring through exercise science, uncovering a passion for…

Join the 2025 Elite Athlete Program

At Curtin, we help you combine your passion for sports with academic success through our Elite Athlete Program. Applications are…

Want to star in a Curtin campaign?

Curtin Marketing and Alumni teams are looking for diverse student talent to appear in upcoming brand campaign projects! There are…

Is this the end?! Watch this heartfelt farewell for the final episode of I’m At Curtin, Now What

Reading time: 1 minute For international students, adjusting to life at university can be both exciting and overwhelming. The final…

Six tips for sleeping better this semester

Reading time: 3 minutes University life is exciting but often overwhelming, where sleep can quickly become an afterthought. It might…

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