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Does What do I need to do before I study abroad?

UPDATED 23 SEP 2021 | 5:35AM

ent 12 Months before departure Contact your Study Abroad Officer in the International Office. 9 to 12 Months before departure Read materials provided about study abroad; Research academic programs available at exchange and study abroad universities; Select a destination study: culture, history, literature and current affairs of your desired destination. 6 to 9 Months before departure Collect application forms; Collect official academic transcripts (Statement of Academic Record); Arrange academic references; Apply before deadlines. 3 to 6 Months before departure Apply for passport; Make travel plans; Arrange to meet medical requirements; Arrange adequate health and travel insurance; Plan for the semester back at Curtin University; Study culture, history, literature and current affairs of your destination. 1 to 3 Months before departure Negotiate academic credit for studies abroad; Finalise travel arrangements; Arrange your visa; Have final medical and dental checks; Study culture, history, literature and current affairs of your destination. More information can be found on the Study Abroad website.

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