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Student OASIS news

Showing results 780 to 790 of 814

How these Curtin students avoid distractions

Staying focused on your studies can be tough. With Netflix only one click away, it’s all too easy to procrastinate.…

The benefits of online learning

From studying in the comfort of your own home to saving time on your commute, online learning definitely has its…

How did students prepare for their first day of university?

The first day of University can often be one that feels slightly overwhelming. Moving into a new environment and a…

What did students wish they knew before starting university?

The first weeks of University are usually a time to find your way around campus and set yourself up for…

Five tips for staying calm when you’re feeling overwhelmed

At university it can be easy to feel out of place, get lost around campus, stress out about your study…

The best study spots on campus

Studying on campus can be a great way to minimise distraction and stay in an academic mindset. Here are a…

Meal and snack ideas for uni students

There’s no doubt about it, uni can get busy! No matter how busy it may get, it’s important to always…

Six tips for giving a successful presentation

Throughout your university career, it is likely you will be required to give a number of presentations. Presentations are a…

Five benefits of joining a club

Being a university student can take up a lot of time. It’s possible you’re already juggling both working and being…

Tips for surviving your first week at university

The transition into university life can be an overwhelming one. University is a brand-new experience where you can embrace new…

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