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Develop your self-care strategies this Mental Health Month

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In a fast paced whirlwind of life, taking a moment to prioritise yourself can be a game-changer. Self-care, the act of deliberately engaging in activities to nourish your well-being, is a key ingredient to managing stress, enhancing resilience, and nurturing your mental health. As we delve into Mental Health Month, let’s explore the realm of self-care, focusing on the Mental Element, and discover practical strategies to enhance your mental wellness.

Understanding self-care’s seven elements

Self-care encompasses seven vital elements, each contributing to your overall well-being. The Mental Element revolves around activities that foster mental clarity, growth, and rejuvenation.

Define achievable goals: Set three daily goals, prioritising what truly matters. Simplifying your objectives ensures flexibility, allowing room for unexpected twists while achieving meaningful milestones.

Empower the art of saying “no”: Remember, it’s okay to decline commitments when your plate is full. Prioritising your mental health necessitates setting boundaries and practising healthy assertiveness.

Embrace the power of rest: Allow yourself a nap without the confines of an alarm clock. A short rest can re-energise your mind and enhance cognitive function.

Empower yourself with financial wellbeing: Financial stress affects everyone differently. Explore various tools and resources, such as money-saving apps, to help you foster better money habits, and seek financial advice from registered professionals if you need assistance.

Schedule “me time”: Intentionally pencil in moments dedicated solely to your well-being. Treat these appointments as sacred, giving yourself permission to unwind and rejuvenate.

Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how modest. Reward yourself for completing even the simplest tasks, nurturing a sense of accomplishment.

Seek inspiration: Immerse yourself in stories of individuals who triumphed over adversity. Their journeys can provide a source of motivation and a fresh perspective.

Recognise stress indicators: Tune into your body’s signals, such as mood shifts or increased irritability. These “warning signs” can alert you to the need for self-care and a break.

Embracing Our Roles

In the spirit of Mental Health Month’s theme, “We all Have a Role to Play”, let’s consider the impact of connection and community on mental well-being. As we unite in our efforts to de-stigmatise mental health, we can each contribute in unique ways:

Amazing Ally: Offer unwavering support to those facing mental health challenges. Find out more on how you can become an ally here.

Community Champion: Organise events that foster open conversations about mental well-being.

Incredible Individual: Educate yourself and others about the importance of mental health awareness.

School Superstar: Create safe spaces within educational settings that prioritise mental wellness.

Workplace Wonder: Advocate for workplace environments that prioritise employee mental well-being.

By embracing our roles and working together, we pave the way for a world free from the burdens of mental health stigma. As individuals, communities, and organizations, we can foster an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, and empathy. So, what role will you play in this inspiring journey?

Remember, if you require additional support, Curtin’s Student Wellbeing Advisory Service offers free and confidential advice to guide you on your path to mental wellness. Embrace the power of self-care, amplify your mental well-being, and join the movement to create a compassionate and stigma-free world.

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