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Changes to Student Microsoft Login

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Student Microsoft Logins Changes

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience, we’re updating the way your credentials are authenticated, so there are some changes coming to how you log into Microsoft applications.

Starting from 12 March 2024, you’ll notice that when you log into OASIS and use the webmail icon to access your emails, you’ll need to enter your email address and password instead of being automatically connected to your emails.  You’ll need to make sure to use your student ID email address (e.g. when logging into the webmail app, as using your name email address ( will result in a login error. 

If you access your emails through Webmail or Microsoft applications, you can look forward to an improved experience.  You just need to enter your student ID email address and password and you’ll have access to your emails without being redirected to OASIS for verification. 

You can choose the option to ‘stay signed in’ on either method to keep it simple and reduce the number of times you need to enter your credentials. 

We’ve heard your feedback about needing to sign in multiple times in lab environments and on Curtin devices, and we’re happy to let you know that this change will fix that issue and multiple sign-ins will be a thing of the past!  Additionally, for some applications experiencing sign-in lag delays, this update will significantly improve these speeds.

If you encounter any issues following the change, please contact Curtin Connect on 1300 222 888 for assistance.

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