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This major/stream is part of a larger course. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information.
Gain the advanced knowledge and skills to problem-solve issues in computers and computer networks.
The Computer Science Honours Major (BSc) (Honours) extends knowledge of current academic research methodology in the fundamental and applied areas of computer science. This is demonstrated through…
This Higher Education Certificate may lead students into a general Bachelor of Information Technology program.
This Higher Education Certificate may lead students into a Bachelor of Commerce (Business Information Systems) (MJRU-BINFS) program.
Specialisations prepare students to develop broad knowledge about an additional discipline area or same discipline area that complements their study in an award course. Some Specialisations may assist…
This double degree program provides graduates with a background in computer science and its application in computer systems and electrical, electronic and communication engineering. The combination of…
Mechatronic engineers push technology to new frontiers as they work to create smarter products, devices and processes. Mechatronic systems can be found in most industrial and commercial products, from…