The Diabetes Studies specialisation is available to study as a graduate certificate and as part of the Master of Advanced Practice. It is designed for registered nurses, midwives and paramedics who have a professional or career interest in diabetics healthcare and education.
Key components include:
- the nature and prevalence of diabetes within local, national and global contexts
- provision of individualised diabetes care and management across the lifespan and in priority populations.
- physical, biological, psychological and psychosocial issues associated with the disease, its diagnostic criteria,
- evidence-based theories that are advancing knowledge in diabetes healthcare and education.
You will also undertake a clinical placement in a diabetes-related health service, to consolidate your knowledge and further develop your interprofessional learning and collaboration skills.
The Diabetes Studies specialisation is offered as an online course studied on a part-time basis only. We recommend that you study one or two units of study per semester.
Note: This specialisation is offered in semester 1.
See our handbook for more information.