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What to do when you are unsure if you are studying the right degree

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Two students sitting on a desk studying

Sometimes, you just get a feeling that something isn’t right. You might not be enjoying your course, or realise that you can’t see yourself pursuing a career in your current field of study. Whatever the reason, it’s important to acknowledge this feeling of uncertainty and to take the time to consider your options.

Here are four tips on what to do when you’re not sure if your degree is the right fit for you.

1. Talk to someone you trust

Talking to a friend, a family member or a colleague can help you understand why you are feeling unsure about your degree. Throughout your conversation, you might figure out that this feeling of uncertainty can be resolved without changing your course. If not, then whoever you talk to might be able to offer you support, help or suggestions on where to go next.

2. Talk to someone in your field of study

This could be your tutor, a friend who recently graduated, or a family member who currently works in your area of interest. By having a conversation with someone who understands your field of study, you can gain valuable insight on what to expect further down the track, and whether a career in that industry is the right path for you.

3. Talk to a Career Consultant

Book a free Careers Conversation online and speak to a Career Consultant about your study options. These conversations can be held over the phone or in person and will allow you to chat with someone who understands the pressures of being a student. Additionally, Career Consultants can point you in the direction of further resources to help you consider your options.

4. Make a list of pros and cons about your current degree

Though it sounds simple, writing down a list of pros and cons can help you visualise the advantages and disadvantages of continuing your current degree. Make this list as extensive as possible — reflect on how you feel about your course right now as well as what opportunities and career paths will be available once you graduate.

When your list is complete, put it aside for a few days. Then come back to it with a fresh mind and consider whether the pros outweigh the cons and vice versa.

Making the decision to leave or change your degree is a difficult one. Don’t feel rushed into choosing one way or the other — take the time to consider your options, come to terms with how you feel, and talk to those around you. Whatever you choose, we’ll be here for you.

Written by creative writing and professional writing student, Abbey Carson.

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