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How to budget as an International student

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Let’s face it – sometimes sticking to a budget is difficult. As an international student, it can be challenging knowing how much to spend, how much you should save and what your budget should look like in a country different to your home.

But don’t stress too much – the hosts of our YouTube series I’m at Curtin, Now What and resident international students, Devna and Celena, have got your back! In our next episode, they break down their weekly spending to give you an idea about how much it costs for an international student to live in Perth, Western Australia.

Watch the video below!

Beyond knowing how much you should be spending as an international student, knowing the basics about creating a budget is a valuable tool. We’ve collated some essential things to think about when creating a budget while you study in Perth.

Plan your expenses 

First, outline your expenses. A great place to start is by sorting your expenses into two categories: fixed and variable. 

Fixed expenses remain the same each month. These include costs like rent, tuition and insurance. Variable expenses are those that can change, such as groceries, entertainment and travel. By listing these expenses ahead of time, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how much you’ll need to budget for. 

You can even use the free Money Smart Budget Calculator to work out where your money is going.

Apply for a part-time job

Balancing your studies with part-time work can be a useful way to earn an income and stay on budget while studying in Perth. For more information about how many hours international students can work per fortnight, visit the Australian Government Home Affairs website.

Set your spending limit and track your spending

When you have an understanding of how much money you have coming in every week, the next step is to determine how much you can spend. By tracking your spending, you can see what you can cut back on, put more towards, and make sure you set enough aside for your fixed expenses.

Make the most of student discounts

As Curtin students and Student Guild members, you’re eligible for heaps of student discounts and special offers both on and off campus. Head over to the Guild’s website for a list of all the discounts you’re eligible for and start making the most of those sweet, sweet deals.

If you’re still stressed out about spending and money matters while studying at Curtin, our Student Wellbeing Advisors are here to support you, or alternatively, get in touch with the Guild’s Student Assist team.

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