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Five ways to create a productive study space

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Student sitting at a round table reading a grey book with a black laptop in front of them.

Are you looking for ways to supercharge your study sessions? One of the benefits of studying online is that how and where you study is up to you, but it can be challenging to know where to start.

Having a dedicated area where you can go to complete your studies is essential to help get your mind in the zone.

Here are five tips to help you set up the perfect environment for maximum productivity.

Find Your Spot: Whether you thrive in the tranquillity of your own room or enjoy the dynamic atmosphere of a common area, choose a study spot that aligns with your preferences. It could be under a cozy tree in your backyard or at a bustling kitchen table – the key is to find a place where you can focus without distractions.

If you’re studying online near Perth or Kalgoorlie, you’re welcome to come to campus to use the facilities. You can also access computers, internet, photocopying, printing and study facilities at your nearest Community Resources Centre (CRC) or public libraries. Learn more about study areas on the Current Students website.

Equip Yourself: Set the stage for success by making sure all your study essentials are within easy reach. From comfortable seating and good lighting to textbooks, pens, and sticky notes – having everything you need at hand ensures seamless, uninterrupted study sessions. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a device that can handle your study requirements, and a steady internet connection to keep you in the zone.

Banish Distractions: Say goodbye to productivity killers like your phone, Netflix, and social media. Keep your area clear of anything that could divert your attention from your study. It’s all about creating a space where your mind can stay focused.

Let There Be Light: Natural light can be a powerful ally in boosting your focus. Position your study area close to a window to take advantage of this energy-boosting light source. Additionally, consider using a desk lamp to provide focused illumination for those late-night study sessions.

Tidy Up: A clutter-free desk equals a clutter-free mind. Take a moment to tidy up your study space regularly, ensuring that everything is organised and in its place. A clean environment can work wonders in keeping your mind clear and focused on the task at hand.

Look around and review your space, you might be pleasantly surprised how a few simple changes can help your productivity.

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