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Showing results 20 to 30 of 72

Tips for searching the Library

The Library catalogue is the best way to discover all of the library’s resources in one search engine – including…

Your guide to online study help

You don’t have to be on campus to access study help. Many of the Library’s services can be accessed online…

Looking to level up your study habits?

The end of semester is just around the corner, and for most of us, exam anxiety is starting to kick…

Ace your next assignment

Picture this: you check your wall calendar only to realise you have an assignment creeping up in the next few…

Scams Targeting Students: Stay Informed and Protected

As students, it’s crucial to stay vigilant against scams that could compromise your personal information, finances, and overall safety. Here…

Troubleshooting guide: fix Microsoft login and sync issues

The DTS Directory Consolidation project has successfully migrated all student Microsoft accounts to the same directory where staff accounts are…

Prepare for Uni this semester with UniSkills

Whether your starting university for the first time, or heading into your final year, the Library’s UniSkills program is here…

Update | Directory Consolidation OneDrive Data Migration

We continue to face unexpected delays in migrating some student files on OneDrive (including OneNote) after our recent Directory Consolidation…

Creating calm in moments of stress

The end of semester work is ramping up with final assignments due and exams in sight – but how do…

Struggling to stay motivated?

We are in the final weeks of the semester and some doubt may be starting to creep in. How will…

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