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HESA special arrangements

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In the 2008 Federal Budget, changes were made to reduce the maximum student contribution amount for units of study in mathematics, statistics and science. The lower contribution amount applies to students who commence/d their course on or after 1 January 2009 and some existing students who transfer/red from a course of study that is not in the natural and physical sciences to one that is. Current students (other than the transferring students described above) continue under existing arrangements.

Between 1 January 2009 and December 2012, students who transferred from a course of study that was not in the natural and physical sciences to one that was were eligible to retain their Pre-2008 status for units of study in accounting, administration, economics, and commerce; as well as their post-2008 status for units of study in mathematics, statistics and science.

In the 2007 Federal Budget, changes were made to increase the maximum student contribution amount for units of study in accounting, administration, economics, and commerce. These increases did not apply to pre-2008 students until the end of 2012.

As of 31 December 2008, students who were in the transitional HECS/PELS arrangement (pre 1997 and pre-2005) were no longer entitled to lower fees, and New Zealand citizens or holders of a permanent residence visa (excluding Permanent Resident Humanitarian status) were no longer eligible for HELP loans.

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