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Getting to know Paul Davey

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Paul150Name:     Paul Davey

Title:       Senior Research Officer

School:   Physiotherapy and Exercise Science

Campus: Bentley

How long have you worked at Curtin? Over 15 years – started in May 2000.

Where did you work prior to starting at the University? This was my first full-time job after university.

What do you like best about your role? Even though I get to work with a great team of people, I have a large amount of autonomy within my job.

Why did you choose your current career path? Kathy Briffa mentioned to Roger Price, who was my Honours Supervisor at the time, that the school had not received any applicants for the Research Assistant’s position.  The job looked interesting and seemed a good opportunity so I applied.

First job? I only had a couple of temp positions – picking and packing pharmaceuticals for a courier company once and a couple of night shifts sorting Christmas mail at Australia Post.

Worst job?  Picking and packing the pharmaceuticals – I had no idea what I was doing.

What project are you currently working on and what does it involve? Apart from assisting with a number of research projects and as staff representative, responding to staff concerns, I am working through a few data collection problems in the Motional Analysis Lab.

Your favourite place in the world and why? Picnics with my family in the park near the beach – why is obvious, I’m with my family.

Your favourite cuisine and why? Slow cooked oxtail stew – the jelly and gristle is the best part.

What is the best piece of advice you have received? Just stop and listen.

Tell us something about yourself that your colleagues wouldn’t know?  It was long held tradition in my mother’s home for her father (my grandfather) to get the lamb shank whenever they had a lamb roast. From before I got my first tooth, whenever I had dinner with my grandparents, the rights to the lamb shank were given to me.


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