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Five questions with occupational therapy student Katelyn Berriman

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Occupational therapy honours student Katelyn answers five questions about online study and her thoughts on the current situation.

  1. How have you found the transition to online study?

“Fairly easy because I currently have no work. I finished all my coursework as 4th year Occupational Therapists do an intensive period from January to February so I only have 16 weeks of placement and finishing my honours project left. I was completing an 8-week placement in Kununurra (which was amazing), but I had to finish after week 2 because of changes and rural travel restrictions.”

  1. What do you miss doing from your usual study routine?

“Being able to study at a local café with a good playlist and an even better soy latte. I usually walk to the local café and study there because I can focus so much better than being at home.”

  1. What has been your favourite aspect of studying online?

“Not having the one hour commute on public transport to uni (and then back again). North of the River life, right?”

  1. What is something you’ve learnt from isolation?

“That taking a break can actually mean you can focus and get more done. Usually I’m constantly on prac, at work or at uni, so I never get the time to just stop and do nothing.”

  1. How have you been using your newfound free time?

“With all these currently on pause at the same time I’m able to do all the self-care things I usually forget about or I’m too tired for. I have been able to get enough sleep, do a regular yoga session, do mindfulness and eat good meals. After one week of doing these things I already feel so much better!”

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