Media releases
A decade of innovation: Unveiling Curtin’s 2024 Accelerate trailblazers
A time-saving painting solution taking the ‘pain’ out of ‘painting’ and a game-changing technology turning carbon into battery-grade graphite are…
Nature’s DNA traps: Spider webs put new spin on wildlife research
Spiders might be silent heroes in helping us understand and keep track of animals, with new Curtin research revealing their…
Death toll shows extreme air pollution events a growing urban threat
New Curtin University-led research has estimated that 1454 avoidable deaths (one person every five days) occurred in Australian capital cities…
New community resources to tackle extremism and disinformation
Important new online resources aimed at tackling extremism and disinformation in the community have been launched in Western Australia. Created…
International education leader named head of Curtin Dubai
Curtin University has appointed Professor Ammar Kaka as its new Pro Vice-Chancellor and President of its Dubai campus. Professor Kaka…
John Curtin Gallery and Perth Festival presents Robert Fielding and Susan Flavell
As part of the 2024 Perth Festival, The John Curtin Gallery presents exhibitions by Yankunytjatjara artist Robert Fielding (SA) and…
Curtin and Lifeblood join forces to develop faecal transplant pills
Curtin University and Australian Red Cross Lifeblood are joining forces to develop a new faecal transplant capsule for Australian clinical…
Astronomers produce most sensitive radio image ever of ancient star cluster
A global team of astronomers have created the most sensitive radio image ever of a globular cluster, an ancient ball…
Key moment in the evolution of life on Earth captured in fossils
Curtin-led research has for the first time precisely dated some of the oldest fossils of complex multicellular life in the…
Thermal vision shows endangered numbats feel the heat of warming climate
Curtin University research using thermal imaging of numbats in Western Australia has found that during hot weather the endangered animals…