Curtin University is expanding on its 25-year history of delivering high-quality nursing education in Geraldton by introducing new and innovative ways of providing education for the benefit of students and the wider community in the Mid West.
The change to the delivery of the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) degree currently provided by the Geraldton Universities Centre (GUC), has been implemented to meet new rigorous national accreditation requirements for all higher education institutions and nursing programs. These requirements have been imposed by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
Professor Phillip Della, Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Curtin, said the University had been collaborating with the GUC over the past year to find the best outcome for its nursing students.
“Our main priority is to our current nursing students, ensuring they continue to receive an outstanding nursing education,” Professor Della said.
“The development will see Curtin teaching nursing students in the region via new eLearning technologies which includes online learning as well as intensive face-to-face block study and clinical placements.Â
“A similar project will be piloted in Port Hedland in 2013. It is an education model that is providing students with access to excellent education and training opportunities, and helping to support increased participation and the skills much needed across rural and regional Western Australia.
“Other universities working with the GUC have followed a similar approach by enrolling students through online distance education.
“We are very appreciative of the efforts of the GUC board and staff in their commitment to work with Curtin to find a solution to continue to deliver nursing education in Geraldton.
“Curtin is also proud of its 25-year partnership with the Geraldton community. We look forward to working with them to deliver world-class nursing education and equipping tomorrow’s nurses with the skills, values and knowledge they need to provide skilful, intelligent compassionate care across the state,” Professor Della said.
For further information, contact Professor Phillip Della, Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Curtin, via