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Showing results 270 to 280 of 345
Medical science

Tuning out the fear

Did you know more people fear snakes and spiders than soaring heights or tiny spaces? For some, these worries are…

Medical science

Lateropulsion sits front and centre on the balance board

The application of ‘gaming’ hardware and software in clinical settings is an interesting trend in physical rehabilitation. Now, an Australian…

Campus and global community

Taking sports activity tracking from the stadium to the stage

It seems that every second person wears an activity tracker, smart watch or GPS-enabled sports watch these days. And professional…


Immunity protein at birth reduces likelihood of childhood malaria

Newborn babies who were born with high levels of an immune-related protein in their blood cells were less likely to…

Campus and global community

Have you had your sorghum? Gluten-free Weet-Bix helps combat diabetes

Curtin researcher and food scientist, Dr Stuart Johnson, discovered that a grain used mainly in animal feed in Australia contains…


Study finds alcohol and drug treatment may be best served at home

Offering withdrawal services to certain people struggling with alcohol and other drug addictions in their own home may serve as…


Diet guidelines critical for multiple sclerosis patients, research finds

People recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis crave and need more advice about recommended foods and diets that will help manage…

Psychology & mental health

The positivity program that’s helping Aussie kids help themselves

Aussie Optimism is a series of school-based programs improving the mental health of children and pre-adolescents around Western Australia. Developed…


Pets offer therapeutic aid for people with borderline personality disorder

People living with borderline personality disorder may enjoy a better quality of life by owning a pet, new research led…


One in two Australians believe autonomous cars will reduce crashes

About half of Australians believe autonomous vehicles will reduce crashes, emissions and stress on the roads with men more likely…

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