Honour roll
We would like to thank all of our generous supporters who have contributed in some way to the establishment of the Carrolup Centre for Truth-telling.
All donors who make a gift or fulfil a pledge over three years will be permanently acknowledged as Founding Donors of the Carrolup Centre. Founding Donors will be gratefully recognised by name on the Honour Roll below and permanently on a beautiful installation within the Carrolup Centre itself.
The flowers represented below symbolise the flora that grows across the six Nyungar seasons at Carrolup.

BIARA (Banksia) | Up to $9,999
BIRAK | December to January | Season of the young
BIRAK – December to January – “Season of the young” |
Anonymous (179) |
Hanna Adam-Le Large |
A & E |
Roberto Aguilera |
Kate Akerman |
Mohammad Alam |
Emily Aldridge |
Natasha Allchurch |
Rosie Allen |
The Alliex Family |
Michael Allworth |
Mujtaba Almajeed |
Associate Professor Deborah Lehmann AO & Emeritus Professor Michael Alpers AO |
Debra Anderson |
Soda & Co. |
Sharon & Jack Apgar |
Mauricio Arango Lopez |
Paul Archer |
Wayne Arcus |
Armadale Line Upgrade Alliance |
Natalia Atanasovska |
Margetta Avlonitis |
Don Axford |
Jayne Baayens |
Emma Badminton |
Jenneh Bangura |
The Barnes Family |
Robin Barnes |
Nora, Ruth & Mary McWhinney |
John Barrington AM & Fiona Harris |
Leonie Bator |
Cathryn Battersby |
Peter Bayman |
Elle Beaumont-Bilsby |
Emily Beaverstock |
Emma Beck |
Sarah & Colin Beckett AO |
Karl Beidatsch |
Nathaniel Quincy Belcher |
Patti Belletty |
Jodie Belton |
Margaret Bendotti |
Norma Bertram |
Dawn Bessarab |
Jess Bezerra |
Belinda Birchall |
Elizabeth Birsa |
Jill Birt |
J, E, W & C Blaxell |
David Blayney |
Emeritus Professor Harry Bloch |
Zoe Bloor |
Barbara Blundell |
Jennifer Blundell |
Ian Bolas |
Yasas Botenne |
Angela Bowman |
Arthur & Angela Bowman |
Shayna Boyce |
Gerard Brennan |
Rachael Brennan |
Rob & Margaret Briggs |
Ursula Brimble |
Jennifer Brocklebank |
Brendon Brodie-Hall |
Yvonne Bromilow |
Don & Helen Brooks |
The Pitman Broomhall Family |
Jeanette Bunting |
Rebecca Burgess |
Thelma D Burnett |
Claire Burton |
Julie Burton |
Frank & Josephine Butler |
Maryanne Butler |
Marilyn Cacavas |
Marcus Canning |
Gary Capolingua |
Gloria Carlisle |
William & Angela Carr |
Heather Carter |
James Case |
Sandra & Stevan Celikovic |
Stephen Chan |
Fred & Angela Chaney |
Vanessa Chang |
Culver Chappelle |
Lisa Chatfield |
Greg Chatfield |
The Cherian Family |
Chirinos Franco |
Fiona Choo & Family |
Meiling Chow |
Sean Patrick Christie |
Susan Chung |
Marina Ciccarelli |
Catherine Clark |
William Clark |
Roban Clarke |
Tracy Clarke |
Jo Clements |
Lyn & Harvey Coates AO |
Suzanne Coates |
Helena Cocoris |
Bevan Cole |
Brad Coleman |
Paula Coovey |
Vida Corbett - Soroptimist |
John Cordery |
Pauline Coulter |
Blanche Coyle |
Julie Craig |
Jonathan Creedon |
Dianne Cripps |
Ann Crittenden |
Nic Croudace |
Alison Culbertson |
Professor Robert Cunningham |
Fiona Curtis |
Chloe Dack |
Barry & Debra Dack |
Fiona Davin |
Faye Davis |
Hayley Davis |
Daniel Dawson |
Linley De Jager |
Samantha De Kauwe |
Irene De Pater |
Genelle De Petra |
Rickiesha Deegan |
Robyn Delaney |
Stuart Diepeveen |
The Dillow Family |
Judith Dinham |
Natalie Dodd |
Alison Dorr |
Deborah Doncon |
Neil Drew |
Jason Duff |
Dorothy Dugdale |
Sarsha Duggleby |
Quentin Dunham |
Patricia Dunnett |
Lien Duong |
Sandra Eades |
Lilly Edwards |
Caroline Edwards |
Rachael Edwards |
Tanya Eksteen |
Connie & Michael Eldon |
Andrew James Emerson |
Delwyn Everard |
Sally Farrant |
Patrick Farrell |
Zac Farrow |
Joy Ferguson |
Denise Fernandes-Dodsley |
Joanne Fernandez |
Mitchell Harry Fernando |
Des Ferris |
Caitlin Fiander |
Denise Findlay |
Jim Finlay |
Hugh Finn |
The Firns Family |
Melinda & John Fitzgerald |
Ian Fitzsimons |
Jessica & Polan Fong |
Kathryne Ford |
John Foreman |
Alba Formato |
Marie Lindsay Forsyth |
Charlotte Forwood |
Darren Foster |
J'Belle Foster |
LeeAnn Foster |
Barrie Foulser |
Mr B.S Francis |
Michelle Francis |
Janine Freeman MLA Member for Mirrabooka |
Amy French |
Michaela |
Francis Gericevich |
Michelle Gianatti |
Nathan Gibson |
Jane Gibson |
Aaron Gibson |
Juliette Gillan |
Andrea Gillet |
Rosanna Giuffre |
Sally Goldrick |
Scott W Goldsmith |
Veronica & Mark Goerke |
Damian Gordon |
Jocelyn Gordon |
James Gorey |
Shane Gould |
Robert Gray & Glenice McConville |
Peter Green |
Linda Gregory |
Patsy Gribble |
Jo Muezerie |
Jo Stirling |
Ann Griffin- Appadoo |
Jo Griffiths |
Logan Griffiths |
Genevieve Gurr |
Margaret Hale |
Doncaster & Hall Families |
Jonathon Hallett |
Takeshi Hamamura |
Frances Hammond |
Rina Handy |
Rhys Hanlon |
The Hannah Family |
Andrew Hare |
Amelia & Regan Harray |
Courtenay Harris |
Trish & George Harwood |
Ms Debra Haseldine |
Rod Hatch |
Mr Douglas Hayes & Mrs Helen Hayes |
Paul Heaney |
Darryl J Herrick |
Chloe Hessell |
David Hii |
Sasha Hilton |
Alistair Hind |
Peter Hirschi |
Julie Hobbs |
Cherry Hodges |
The Hodgson Family |
Therese Hogan & Etai Gilad |
Mary Hogan |
Mrs D.A Hogg |
Brie Holland |
Shaun Holmes |
Jysae & Andrew Hooper |
Dianne Hoper and Carsten Hoper |
Neville Horner |
Htat Nandar Htun (Annika Htun) |
Bethwyn Hudson |
Michael Husbands |
Rita Iagoe |
Gabriella Inga |
Hoi Hei IP |
Freda & Jim Irenic |
Melinda Italiano |
Ian Jackson |
Nanna Jasmine |
Leighton Jay |
Lyndon Jee |
Chris & Norma Jeffery |
Diane Jeffrey |
Shahan Jerejian |
Michele John |
Andrew & Dalla Johnson |
Michelle Johnston |
Cynthia Joll |
Ms Lorie Jones FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER |
Caelie Jones |
Merryl Jones |
Mohamed Kadir |
Ivan Kanesic |
Apu Karajagi |
Gudrun Kemmer |
Jennifer Kenny |
Jane King & Phil Macguire |
Ryan D King |
Pete Kinny |
Rodger & Shirley Kohn |
Rodger Kohn |
Chamila Kohona |
Jayne Kotz |
Melissa Kouzinas |
Helen Kuehs |
Ingeborg Kuemmeth |
Margaret Kusinski |
Vincent Lai |
Lisa Larsen-Henry |
Peter Law & Marianne Law |
Sarah Lawrence |
Simon Matthew Laws |
Marilyn Lawson-James |
Erica Lawton |
Christina Lee |
Vicki Leishman |
Juliet Lewer |
Avril Liljekvist |
Banu Limbu |
Roanna Lobo |
Kent M Logie |
Linley Lord |
Ross Love |
Jane Loveday |
Andrew & Alison Low Family |
Martin & Jill Lowry |
Wendy Loxley |
Lucidea |
Basso & Mandy Ludovico |
Judy Lukowiak |
Barbara Lung |
Wendy Lunt |
Elsie Lynch |
Trina MacAdam |
Simon Maddy |
Rae Mail |
Chris Malcolm |
Rosie Manning |
Jessica Lee Mantegna |
Sarah Maraglio |
Trudi Marchant |
Sharon Maresse |
Daniel Marsh |
Jasmyn Martin-Nicholls |
Phil May |
Kaye Mazzoleni |
Andrew McAuliffe |
Peter McCafferty |
Doreen McCarthy |
Robin K. McClellan |
Cameron James McCracken |
Caitlin Emily McCracken |
Catherine McCracken |
Helen McCutcheon |
Rob & Cathy McGiffin |
Brian McGill |
Neil McGrath |
Tim McInnis |
Kate McGurk |
Malcolm & Lynette McLean |
Emma McMickan |
Emeritus Professor Anne McMurray |
Kaycee Meads |
Catherine Puglisi |
Irene Mellon |
Jarod Mellor |
Dr Barrie Melotte |
Atari Metcalf |
Andre Olivier Michalland |
The Miller & Burwood Families |
Mike & Sheila Miller |
Samuel Miller |
Janice Mills |
Helena Milne |
Luisa Mitchell |
Daigo Miyata |
Louise Monday |
Tylah Morgan |
Natalie Morgan |
Mrs Kerry Mould |
Roger Munt |
Debbie Thackray |
Brian P Murphy |
James & Kaye Murray |
Alexandra Naisbitt |
Janene Naude |
Lesley Neale |
Ailsa Nelson |
Dung Nguyen |
Phuong Nguyen |
Tim, Jessica, Evan & Finn Nicol |
Helouise Nieuwenhuis |
Jillian Norton |
Michelle Novacco |
Jane & Richard Noyelle |
Doreen & Christy O'Brien |
Martin O'Brien |
Nicole O'Connor |
Charlotte O'Connor |
Beve Offer |
Gerald O'Halloran |
Jane O'Halloran |
Helen Olivieri |
Brittney O'Neill |
Stephanie O'Rourke |
Christopher Ong |
Claus Otto |
Deborah Oxley-Smith |
G.M. Page-Burt |
Jenny Pak |
Silvano & Hilary Palladino |
Danielle Stow |
Stephanie Parkinson |
Frederick Parnell |
Robert Pascoe |
Aatish Patel |
Alexandra Patterson |
Tiffany Payne |
Hugh Peacock |
Georgina Pearce OAM |
Gina Pearse |
The Peet Family |
Lina Pelliccione |
Yvonne Pether |
Tien Hung Phan |
Ian Phau |
Rosalind-Ruth Phelps |
Chelsey Phillips |
Susan Piercey |
Amy Piesse |
Laura PLayle |
The Power Institute, Foundation for Art and Visual Culture |
Nimish Prasad |
Elizabeth Prendergast |
Katherine Pritchard |
Elizabeth Przywolnik |
Naomi Morison |
Elizabeth Quinlan |
Miss Johanna Marcia Ramsay |
Ms Angela Ranallo |
Val & Llew Raubenheimer |
Marion Ray |
Hannah Reczek |
Karina Reeves |
Emma Reid |
Julianne & Christopher Reid |
Suelena Pessoa de Campos Reynoso |
Clarisse Reynoso |
Charles Rich |
Nerissa Richardson |
Hamish Richardson |
Ellen Richmond |
Raye Rickard |
Joan Rickers |
James & Nicola Ridsdill-Smith |
Robert Rigo |
Taufiq Rind |
Elisabeth Rivett |
Anneli Robbshaw |
Annette Roberts |
Joanne Roberts |
Laura & Don Robertson |
Rachel Robertson |
Christine Robins |
Rebecca Robinson |
Suzanne Robinson |
Ellen Robinson |
Carolyn & Adam Robson |
Wendy Robyn |
Gillian Rodoreda |
David & Janice Rogers |
Mary, Andrew & Brenda Rohl |
Valda Rose |
Beryl Rosslyn |
Kate Merrilyn Rowan-Robinson |
Michael Rowe |
Hilary & Dennis Rumley |
Martin Rush |
Rebecca Ryan |
Anne Ryden |
Bria Ryder |
Qassim Saad |
Liz Sailer |
Magodi Sakala |
Fiona Salter |
Heidi Sanders |
Anthony Say |
Angela Schofield |
Erica Schurmann |
Bronwen Scott |
Joanna Sercombe-Moore |
Titian Serrano |
Alexander Setiawan |
Bec Shillington |
Sally Sibbald |
Senator Rachel Siewert |
Tom Silvan |
Jason Simm |
Robert Simpson |
Heather Sinclair |
Helen Slater & George Milne |
Sharon Smart |
Benjamin Smid |
John & Rosemary Smith |
Ian S Smith |
Ryan Soares |
Rachel Solosy |
Asha Stabback |
Jenni Stallwood |
Miriam Stanborough |
Gosia |
Amy Steel |
Emeritus Professor John Stephens |
Jon Stewart |
Cheryl Stickels & Damien McCann |
Nerida Stokes |
Dani Stow |
Julianne Sullivan |
Ann Sumich |
Nigar Sultana |
Noel Summers |
Hilary Swan |
Elizabeth Syme |
Rosaline Tan |
James Tan |
Glen Tapley |
Tony Tate |
Elizabeth Teale |
Nicholas & Deborah Templeman |
Andrea Tenger |
Margaret Teusner |
Vishnu Nagadevan Thanikasalam |
Elly Thio |
Daniel Thomas |
Adam Thornton |
Steven Tingay |
Chrissie Tokas |
Judy Tonkin |
Andrew Torre |
Dorothy Tracey |
Jessica Truong |
Eleni Tsakiris |
Tanya Tsirigotis |
The Tully Family |
Mattie Turnbull |
Melissa Turner |
Walter Tussler |
Wayne Tyler |
Timothy Urquhart |
Ed & Frankie Valvasori |
Derek Van Buerle |
Frank & Wyanda Van Hooft |
Dr Gina Varne |
Marina Varone |
Bibiana Venosa |
Helen Verhoeff |
Karen Vernon |
Fabienne Vonarburg & Lynne Pugh |
Jessica Vulin |
Tracy Waddell |
Anthea Waddell |
Steve Walker |
Ayla Walker |
Rebecca Walker |
Jack Walton |
Jonathan Ware |
Jo Ward |
Karen, Robert & Tiffany Wasley |
Rebecca Waters |
Jacqui Watton |
Rosemary Waycott |
Erika Webb |
The Stalnaker Family |
Sonia Wee |
Tom & Margaret Weir |
Julia Wheeler |
Donald White |
Janet White |
Nicola Whiteside |
Courtney Whyte |
Bruno & Marleen Wicki |
Noelene Wigmore |
Walter William |
Ms Sharon Williams |
Katie Wilson |
Mark Geoffrey Wise |
Sophia Witte |
Antonia Wong |
Owen Wood |
Maxine Woolcock |
Cheryl Worsley |
Dianne Wynaden |
Shannen Wynne |
Laura Yammouni |
Zhihong Yang |
Grace Yao |
Jerome Yap & Family |
Sinem Yavuz |
Shelley Yeo |
Shannon Yong |
Jon Yorke |
Emily Yu |
Kieran, Simone & Billie Yule |
Wayne Zekulich |
Martin Zhang |
Shiyong Zhao |
Australian Venture Consultants |
Four Diamonds Pacing |
Mining People International |
OPRA Group Australia Pty Ltd |
Soroptimist International of Perth Inc. |
Steens Gray & Kelly Pty Ltd |
The Paperbark Co |
UniSuper Pty Ltd |
W Fairweather & Son Pty Ltd |
WA School of Mines Alumni |
Western Projects |
Yeh Yeh Nah Pty Ltd |
Young Alumni Advisory Board |

JEERIJI (Macrozamia) | $10,000 – $24,999
BUNURU | February to March | Season of adolescence
BUNURU – February to March – “Season of adolescence” |
ANZ Bank |
BJ Systems |
Carole Grant |
Peter Hurford |
Centigrade Mechanical Contracting |
Everett Smith & Co |
Rosalind-Ruth Phelps |
Danielle Lilley, Eleonora Pinna & Jacopo Pinna |
Graeme & Lorraine Rowley |
Mrs Meg Twomey and Emeritus Professor Lance Twomey AO |
Tim & Carolyn McInnis |
The West Australian |
Total Security Systems |
Unitec Advanced Systems Pty Ltd |

MARRI (Red Gum) | $25,000 – $99,999
DJERAN | April to May | Season of adulthood
DJERAN – April to May – “Season of adulthood” |
Altrad Services |
ARA Group |
Marilyn Burton |
Edward Federman |
MEM Loton OAM |
Vivienne Stewart |

MANGAREL (Blueberry Lily) | $100,000 – $499,999
MAKURU | June to July | Season of fertility
MAKURU – June to July – “Season of fertility” |
Mary Ann Wright |
Stan Perron Charitable Foundation |

MINDALENY (Wattle) | $500,000 – $999,999
DJILBA | August to September | Season of conception
DJILBA – August to September – “Season of conception” |
Be our first Mindaleny donor! |

CARA (Orchid) | $1 million +
KAMBARANG | October to November | Season of birth
KAMBARANG – October to November – “Season of birth” |
Lotterywest |
We wish to thank those who have supported this campaign in other meaningful ways:
Curtin Early Childhood Education Alumni Chapter
Curtin Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine Alumni Chapter
Fremantle Football Club
Hannah McGlade
Kathleen Toomath
Mathew Simmons
Museum of Perth
Museum of the Great Southern
Ngaarda Media
Perth Airport
Reece Harley
Rhonda Hair
Curtin Law Alumni Society (CLAS)
Libraries, Archives, Records and Information Science Alumni Chapter (LARISA)
Joshua James Cartwright
Jilalga Designs
The native flowers represented in each of the giving levels above were created by Jilalga Murray, a contemporary Aboriginal artist and graphic designer based in Perth, Western Australia.
Jilalga is an urban Nyangumarta & Yorta Yorta woman, with origins from both the Pilbara and the Riverina regions. She offers a personal service where cultural protocols and artistic integrity are highly respected, always.
Jilalga is passionate about sharing poignant stories, using bold imagery and bright, eye-catching techniques to create works that are unique and diverse.