The prize was inaugurated by The Collectors Club in celebration of the memory of one of Australia’s most acclaimed art curators, the late John Stringer (1937–2007). A long-term friend and mentor to its members, Stringer established The Collectors Club in Perth in 1996 to promote informed collecting and patronage of Western Australian contemporary art.

Exhibition Open to the Public: 25 October – 15 December
Supported By: Lendlease, Collectors Club, The Navigators
John Stringer Prize 2024 celebrates the winner of each year from the previous 10 years of the prize.
Featuring artists:
Merrick Belyea
Jacobus Capone
Jacky Cheng
Erin Coates
Jarrad Martyn
Bjoern Rainer-Adamson
Stewart Scambler
Susan Roux
Alistair Rowe
Brendan Van Hek
Open Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sun 12-4pm
Closed Saturdays and Public Holidays
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Header Image: Alistair Rowe, Angles of Incidence (detail), 2024, Wood, glass and epoxy. Image courtesy of the artist.