The prize was inaugurated by The Collectors Club in celebration of the memory of one of Australia’s most acclaimed art curators, the late John Stringer (1937–2007). A long-term friend and mentor to its members, Stringer established The Collectors Club in Perth in 1996 to promote informed collecting and patronage of Western Australian contemporary art.
Opening Night: Thursday 24 October 6-8pm
Exhibition: 25 October – 15 December
Supported By: Lendlease, Collectors Club, The Navigators
John Springer Prize 2024 features celebrates the winner of each year from the previous 10 years of the prize.
Featuring artists:
Merrick Belyea
Jacobus Capone
Jackie Cheng
Erin Coates
Jarryd Martin
Bjoern Rainer-Adamson
Stewart Scambler
Susan Roux
Alistair Rowe
Brendan Van Hek
Header Image: Alistair Rowe, Angles of Incidence (detail), 2024, Wood, glass and epoxy. Image courtesy of the artist.