Gary Foster.
Author | Carmelle Wilkinson
Four years ago, Gary Foster (64) was home recovering from a motorcycle accident when he suddenly felt pain across the right side of his chest.
On the phone to a colleague at the time, the Bachelor of Science graduate assumed it was a muscular ache from working on his caravan the day prior and continued the conversation for a bit longer.
Perplexed that the pain was lingering and concerned it was intensifying, he told his wife he was going for a walk around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air and stretch his legs.
Three hours passed, before he and his wife decided a visit to Armadale Hospital to determine the cause would be a good idea.
On arrival at hospital Gary was informed the pain he was experiencing was in fact a moderate to severe heart attack and he would need to be transferred via ambulance to Royal Perth Hospital for immediate treatment.
“I was in complete shock,’’ Gary said.
“I’d heard about the common symptoms of a heart attack, and I was experiencing none of those. For starters it was my right side that was in pain not the left. I didn’t feel dizzy, nauseous or have shortness of breath.”
Still recovering from his injuries in a motorcycle accident (including several broken ribs) Gary could not believe what he was hearing.
“I was off work for three months and was actually just about to go back to work on the Monday, and this happened on the Friday,’’ he said.
“I just kept thinking about my dad. He died from a heart attack at 46 when I was just 20,’’ he said.
With four adult children of his own and many grandchildren, thoughts of not being around to watch them grow up terrified him.
“Thankfully my wife was home that day, but unfortunately the reason was because she tested positive to COVID. So, she wasn’t allowed into the hospital or in the ambulance with me,’’ he said.
“I felt really isolated and alone, but the paramedics did a great job trying to make light of the situation and keep me calm.”
At Royal Perth Hospital Gary was told there were three possible outcomes following further examinations.

Gary recovering in hospital.
One – he would be monitored closely for a couple hours then be allowed to go home. Two, he would require a stent and three he would require open heart surgery.
“Thank goodness it turned out to be option two and I had to have a stent put in. But the whole ordeal was very scary,’’ he said.
Looking back on that day, Gary said he couldn’t have gotten through that difficult time without the strength and camaraderie from the Aussie Fans in Training (Aussie-FIT) program.
Led by Curtin University, Aussie-FIT is a free 12-week evidence-based program for men aged 35-75 who live with a heart condition, have had a heart attack or suffered heart failure or been told by their doctor they are at ‘high risk’ of having a heart attack or stroke.
Gary has made some lifelong friendships through the Aussie-FIT program.
Following approval from your GP or cardiologist participants take part in fun, informative and engaging activities, aimed to reduce their weight and waist and increase their knowledge of healthy eating.
“At the time of my heart attack I thought I was leading a relatively active lifestyle and eating pretty good,” he said.
“However, I did enjoy a few beers with my mates, and I was also under a lot of stress at work, so was skipping meals.”
The former Head of Science at Guildford Grammar said he often wouldn’t stop for lunch and when he did grab something it wasn’t very nutritious.
“Nowadays my diet is very different. I try to graze throughout the day and make sure I eat a healthy lunch. I also try to walk a lot more,’’ he said.
Not only was Aussie-FIT a great distraction following his heart attack, but the program also provided a safe space where he could talk about his experience with like-minded men in a supportive and easy-going atmosphere.
“Aussie FIT saved my life,’’ he said.
“The program was just fantastic, and I made some wonderful friendships,’’ he said.
Recently retired, Gary is slowly adjusting to his new pace of life.
Learn more about the Aussie-FIT program in the video below.
Author | Carmelle Wilkinson