Girls in STEM

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Would your organisation like to collaborate with us? We are welcoming of partners that share our passion for girls and women in STEM.
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Curtin STEM Stars
As part of Curtin’s commitment to the Athena Swan Charter and improving equity and diversity, we are celebrating our Women in STEMM.
Read the personal stories of academics and researchers about what attracted them to a career in STEM, or watch videos to hear how six women rebelled against the status quo to pursue excellence.
A series of news stories puts the spotlight on women in the Faculty of Health Sciences. From researching the health-giving properties of spider venom, to using meditation as a treatment tool to assist word retrieval, their stories are diverse.
Useful Resources
STEM Women
Discover the diversity of women with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills across Australia.
Girls in STEM Toolkit
The GiST provides resources to inspire and inform girls, schools and families in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
Superstars of STEM
A program that aims to smash society’s gender assumptions about scientists and increase the public visibility of women in STEM.
Future You
A program that aims to challenge stereotypes in STEM and inspire an interest in STEM careers amongst children aged 8 to 12.