Celebrate the end of O-Week with an afternoon of fun, freebies, and fitness!
Get ready for an action-packed day that’s sure to spark excitement, connection and unforgettable memories! There’s something for everyone at this year’s Carnival.
What’s happening:

Get involved
Participate in fun activities to win food vouchers and other prizes!

Move your body
Get moving with free group fitness classes, beach volleyball or try novelty sports games, like mini golf.

Chill out from the heat
Stay cool with a dunk machine, inside air-conditioned areas, water stations and Explore Curtin’s chill out zone with lots of shade.

Connect with the Stadium
Explore opportunities to join Curtin’s sports clubs.

Visit the food trucks
Choose from a delectable range of options from attending food vans.

Access and parking
View the Access and Inclusion map [.pdf 2MB] to find out more information about wheelchair accessible routes, accessible parking, and other access features at Curtin Perth.
Open to Curtin students, staff, and alumni, everyone has the opportunity to take a journey through campus life and participate in fun activities to win food vouchers and lots of freebies!